bluesky signup requirements have relaxed to the point at which a lot of people on here have never committed arson. you used to need either two convictions or eight charges. in rare cases someone in the arson community could vouch for you, but loopholes were rare. now it's essentially a free-for-all
8. But that’s okay. They were only Teslas.
I’ll be letting bluesky mods know of your low number of arsons.
Was just getting his Bluesky invite
Does anyone know how difficult it is for one of my people to be a successful arsonist?
She seriously went off the deep end and I stopped watching. Ya gotta do your own thing, not copy Contrapoints!
That was so liberating to get that off my chest!
Drive-by shooting on dealerships? Stay away from our schools. We are anti-guns and have enough problems with Cheeto man going after the Dept. of Education.
i mean i would have been down to actually burn the bridges, but. they're historical, so.
I'm not sure what's wanted of me here
but I'm keen
It’s like a drug fighting with Ruzzian trolls and bots. I have to rip the plaster off and go cold turkey.
the goal shouldnt be getting caught 😒