Piranesi, I realized in this, my second read, is my favorite book. Don’t research. Just go read it. It’s short.
If you’ve read before, and are considering rereading, I’ll remind you that The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; it’s Kindness infinite.
If you’ve read before, and are considering rereading, I’ll remind you that The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; it’s Kindness infinite.
The shift MBMBaM took over the years helped slide me from edginess to kindness/acceptance, and SB helped me process gender and filled in a lot of gaps left from transitioning later in life.
I'm in the middle of re-reading Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel, which is defo top 5 contender for me
Also, the TV show is a pretty good adaptation as well if you want the story without the writing style!