clumsily and painfully slaughtering a blind 15 pound dog for no reason is the most quintessential possible American Cop Behavior. this is what the institution is for
Reposted from
Matt Novak
There's bodycam footage of the cop shooting this blind dog on YouTube. He shoots the dog once and you hear it crying before he shoots it a second time.
I am so fucking enraged. I hope the absolute worst things happen to this cop.
Content warning, obviously.
I am so fucking enraged. I hope the absolute worst things happen to this cop.
Content warning, obviously.
You’d have to have a stone-cold case for killing a pet over here, otherwise you could end up getting arrested yourself
Shooting one in cold blood would be a very good way of being the record for shortest jury deliberations in legal history.
They're not great guys, they're just not militarized.
as part of an interrogation