Oh man, thanks for this! I haven't seen it but from the trailers it looked like it had a lot more going on under the hood. (Also that it didn't feel like an extended short film like Smile did, and was)
I really liked it, I felt like it was a love letter to pop stardom and I loved the narrative it told. Also gave me Suspiria vibes more than the Suspira reboot did.
I don't think so, it seems most reviews and word of mouth were pretty positive about it. I don't think it's programmed in my lil' ol' Swiss town but I would love to watch it some day!!
I would say it’s quite important. The whole point of 2 is that the protagonist has no idea what is happening to her while the audience knows the rules. Also Smile is fun! But 2 is miles better
I was listening to a pod discussing it the other day and they said similar which piqued my interest. They weren't as positive as you but opinions and all that. It's the makers having a concept and going wild I'm interested in.
Yeah not everyone loves it, I am probably an outlier, but it delivers a lot of amusement park scares while also being a whole different kind of movie (pop diva melodrama) and I am a fan of that
I'd settle for it being better than the first which was doing fine until the final act when I kinda felt let it down, but keep hearing good things about the sequel which is a pleasant surprise.
only because a) i haven't had a chance to see it yet, b) it's going to have a hell of a time beating the substance, and c) prolly the same with heretic which i also haven't seen
It's not my personal #1 but it's definitely one of the best of the year, and a massive improvement on the first film in my opinion. I felt like it was a lot more thrilling overall.
I really enjoyed it, but with this and TRAP, I feel we're going to very shortly have a million films with 'Swift/XCX/Carpenter at a concert' clones and everything will get very boring very quickly.
CUCKOO is my horror film of 2024, I think. Really dug that.
I like Cuckoo a lot! I think it’s just how much enjoyment I got from Smile 2, it’s nice to be reminded that the genre can be a fun rollercoaster as well as doing trauma and dread.
The most genuinely horrific film I saw this year was Magnus von Horn's 'The Girl with the Needle', but I suspect it's going to be marketed as a black-and-white art movie (if it opens in the UK at all).
Put it like this: I've rarely been more grateful for a film being in black-and-white!
I’m really not sure I’m able for traumatising horror films right now. I’m avoiding the apparently excellent witch trials movie on Shudder for this reason
Can't go into details without massive spoilers - in fact, I recommend shunning the Wikipedia page, as its description of the factual basis also includes a humungous spoiler (of which I was completely unaware when I watched the film). But it's not a film for doting parents!
Oh, and this character is a WWI veteran, wearing a partial face mask to conceal life-changing injuries - and we naturally get to see what's under it. Again, very grateful for it being in black and white!
Excellent news! Well, it's very very strongly recommended, but not for the squeamish.
(And it's all too horrifically topical right now, despite being set over a century ago - something of which I imagine Magnus von Horn was fully aware.)
It was fantastic right? What else would be up there for you? Longlegs was great, alien Romulus if that counts could top it for me but both fantastic. The substance and the first omen great as well.
From recollection, I thought one was delightfully creepy but that I was less enamoured of how it ended. Still to see the sequel but am keen to before it leaves the cinema.
Peace and love, man. We hear you.
*The MadS motorcycle pillion ride is my other favourite scene.
I absolutely loved Smile 2
tbh, Im still getting over The Substance
CUCKOO is my horror film of 2024, I think. Really dug that.
Put it like this: I've rarely been more grateful for a film being in black-and-white!
(And it's all too horrifically topical right now, despite being set over a century ago - something of which I imagine Magnus von Horn was fully aware.)