The Clarkson thing is a really good example of how "highly engaged partisans" think most people have a matrix of easily-mapped view. In fact, just about everyone outside that tiny minority is likely to hold a highly-heterodox jumble of opinions. Eg, anti-Brexit and pro-bloodsports.
I really dislike these Clarkson facts: he assaulted an employee over not getting a hot dinner and that he wrote, reviewed (I presume) and published his Megan Markle article. These actions impact my view.
Another reason the right will always beat us?
Seems to be less of that in US though as the right are so much more openly misogynistic and homophobic than in UK.
Also worth noting that "the wrong side of history" is only really applied to one issue, an issue Ms Hyde has been brave enough to totally shy away from...
When you see it, you see who does much time on the doorsteps and who doesn’t.
came with it...most were fine with a customs union, you know, like 'common market sort of thing'
If they'd said, "right we're a good size now, we'll stop here, with just a trade agreement for any more countries that want to opt in", said no to Turkey, no to Ukraine, etc, then we'd be in a much better place now.
One consequence: many argue an economically left & social conservative mix would serve Reform well, but Farage can't do it. What's stopping "realignment" is not demand but supply.
Couple of issues here - obv one is you get less free press/amplification by threatening Conservatives if you pivoted away/you're shifting from high turnout to very low
But more subtle one is Auth-Left is not same as Lib-Left:
Pivoting towards those ppl does not mean backing higher taxes on high income/redistribution/increasing benefits.
Brexit was mostly a creature of extremes, a combination of hard left and hard right thinking who wanted the disruption and upheaval it caused, hoping to benefit. Mick Lynch was an enthusiastic brexiter, Corbyn was indifferent.
Separately, it's not so much about wage levels as 15+ yrs stagnation for many.
He's a twat, so why do you feel the need to make stuff up about him? Why are you so scared of a motoring journalist? It's weird.
Brexit divided so clearly on the Social Liberal-Authoritarian axis because
(i) it's effectively a measure of selfishness
(ii) only a minority of people felt directly impacted
That's not an example of people having "hard to map views" - it's straight up interest-voting! - that's just an example of normal people not having overriding partisanship that overrides easily-mapped views.