I tend to play whatever the character comes to me as. From a himbo (Half-orc Bard) to a deposed princess (Human 5e UA Mystic) hellbent on getting her kingdom back. It's about exploring characters and dungeons imo. Unfortunately, I tend to be the forever DM so most of them remain unrealized.
I saw a post online once that said, 'If you're playing D&D and not working through some gender issues, are you really playing D&D?" I took psychic damage on that one.
I love that epic fantasy adventures are one of the ways people learn about who they really are these days. It's just wonderful how we live in a time of such creativity.
2011: 5 players, all using gender assigned at birth. All "straight" except me.
2025: 5 players, 3 gender changes, 1 gay, and me, the only one out in 2011, has absorbed all their gender energy.
I guess Mom was right. Wizards of the coast force-femmed my friends. Help.
“oh goddamn it”
[clicks reskeet]
Well. Whatever helps him through it, I guess!
(Read the alt text, people, it's extra good)
But she gets there eventually.