I’m really struggling to find new ways to find customers for my cat sofas … any suggestions welcome (Selling from the UK) #CatsofBluesky
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**and one mini pig
I had a stall a couple of times in Brick Lane market and it wasn't that expensive (although this is years ago)
Not sure how many independent type pet shops there are around anymore. Places like garden centres too maybe.
I'm sorry, I don't have any marketing advice. I think It's difficult to sell on etsy, unless one pays per day to boost their listings further up in search results. :(
(I'm not on FB, so I don't know what the site looks like anymore.)
I’ve got lots of pics of previous cat sofas with their current cat occupants … all different colours, shapes and sizes.
A lot of those places having cat owners visit, and many pets other than cats would also likely use those beds as well.
These beds could use some advertising there.
Or try to give one to Taylor Swift/similar, so you go viral if their cat is pictured on one? (Reach for the stars! 😉) Larry the Cat?!
ChatGPT and https://Claude.ai are good for generating marketing ideas (and rough copy). And Stu McLaren's and Amy Porterfield's podcasts for marketing ideas.
This is not an invitation to a debate. It wouldn't be a pleasant or productive conversation.
We have a cat cafe in my area (a coffee shop with rooms attached for housing cats from sheltera) that partners with the local cat furniture place (your stuff is much cooler).
If a kid had a doll house, it would be an ideal sitting arrangement
I also have a neighbour with several indoor cats & low impulse control, so I'll be sure to show her, too.