Sununu has always been a fraud. He is a perfect example of scared MAGA.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
BASH: One of the concerns is that Elon Musk has billions tied up in govt contracts. You don't see a conflict of interest?
CHRIS SUNUNU: Everyone has a conflict of interest
BASH: But that's a pretty big one
SUNUNU: He's so rich he's removed from the potential financial influence
CHRIS SUNUNU: Everyone has a conflict of interest
BASH: But that's a pretty big one
SUNUNU: He's so rich he's removed from the potential financial influence
Please Sununu, please white wash this important point.
So it is perfectly fine for Musk to cut spending which will most probably harm the people who need it most. While he lobbys for government contracts for his companies & tax cuts for rich.
‘He’s so rich that greed & pressure wouldn’t apply’?
Not at all.
Perfectly wonderful idea.
Didn't normally confirm violence.... but for the next 4 yrs, I'm willing to let that particular moral go by the wayside!!
He wants more $ and more billion dollar contracts.
Over 600 people were murdered in teslas.
Time to halt production.
What other American car kills you while it drives you?
What could go wrong?
That’s special.
Or is that now small potatoes?
Just a thought?
Musk is so rich he becomes a living financial influence. The gaslighting!
Musk IS the financial influence, all including you should be scared of. Musk has no concern about the health & welfare of the America nor the world.
Musk is only concerned about reaching a trillion before his other billionaire bros.
Bullshit #2: Elon is "doing this" for a greater cause and not money.
When will the non-tech bro MAGA wake the fuck up??
Sununu's weak testicles are tightly loaded with BS & strung as a decorative on Trump's presidential podium for 2025!
Rethuglicans, they are all deplorable.
People that are that rich are eminently corruptible because to get that rich they already are.
No sane person would truly desire that much money and still want more.
Full statement here:
If everyone’s compromise, what difference does it make who’s compromise.
It’s also laughingly false