The criminal justice system failed to hold Trump accountable. It is not true that the powerful stand before the same bar of justice and no one is above the law.
Norms will not protect us. We need to build a new opposition hardened by reality and prepared to fight with every legal tool available.
Norms will not protect us. We need to build a new opposition hardened by reality and prepared to fight with every legal tool available.
Trumpland is picking our bones clean thru fraud, crimes of violence, & skating above laws we put in place to protect ourselves.
Spearhead a nationwide protest strike.
Money us all they’re out for. Stop giving it to them.
If so, I would totally understand if he were to take it upon himself to defend his nation by shooting this felonious traitor.
It would confuse the hell out of the gun nuts, too.
It would be a very presidential act by 'the current definitions'.
Despite the good work and dedication of you and your team, I think justice has been perverted beyond recovery.
Trump and his enablers, including members of SCOTUS have shit all over the Rule of Law and used the Constitution as toilet paper.
Let’s revoke their authority.
Just the first time (within memory) been applied to politics.
What is left? WHAT IS LEFT???
Hell he was ineligible to vote but I think allowed.😒
His criminal history, fraud convictions, unpaid judgments, civilly convicted of sexual assault, the Trump org convicted in criminal court, he’s now a convicted felon, this all disqualifies an adjudicated insurrectionist from holding any office
I mean he’s not that stupid..
But he
knows 1/3 of us are that stupid; are we all really that stupid?
Like the hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits?
Like kicking in doors for growing the wrong plant in your own home?
Maybe for those of us that have needed the justice system before, the “norms” are the problem.
Your tireless efforts on the behalf of democracy. Opposition is the word for the times ahead. Thanks again!
Hitler - who had been jailed in the 20th - was elected in 1933.
Democracy has this weakness from within that people can elect an incompetent lunatic.Tipped by a party 100% behind him and a Supreme Court giving the possibility of a president committing crimes.
America needs to rebuild its whole legal system and constitution.
If they can.
Of course Shitler might leave America in such a state that it's unsalvageable.
I pity normal Americans.
I really do.
And hope we can stop this tragedy from ever again happening...
Still so much I wanna do; Watch North by Northwest before seeing Sonic the Hedgehog 4 in 2027.
YOU TOO SISTER! Your comments on on Deadline Whitehouse last night were EPIC!
That’s a revolutionary statement.
Are we beyond changing the rules? Is our society system corrupted?
If u r Black in America, the answer is yes.
Also it’s what Biden said.
3 life sentences though..
My hope is that now we'll stop teaching kids the lie that there is equal justice.
Legal Tools mean jack shit to OUR "Justice" System.
I'm just going to call this stultified logic:
-justice system failed
-fight with every legal tool available.
🤔 How can you participate⁉️
~ Buy local & reconsider your Amazon account
~ Enjoy movies at theaters instead of Prime Video
~ Borrow audio books & ebooks from ur library instead of Kindle/Audible
AND subscribe to local papers
Now I still believe in you and in those who will stand up to tyranny, but who Polices a Corrupt SCOTUS enabling an Absolute Madman.
Fire the coach(s) and put folks in charge that understand the opposition.
We need to beat them at the polls. It's a damn math problem. Period.
Hollywood needs to own this like it's 12/8/41
The People’s Cabinet would be a great start with you!
The pitiful wimps and losers, like Schumer/Durbin/Coons, are incapable of protecting our country.
They do not understand the current paradigms or the war being waged.
Never have; never will.
Sad…really sad
As bad as Trump and his sycophants have behaved, LETTING THEM OFF THE HOOK IS PUTTING SALT ON THE WOUND - UNNECESSARILY!!!!
The docs case ALONE should have put the orange fucker behind bars - like other classified doc cases!!
The US Justice system is FUCKED!!!
means? How about when the forces against us use illegal means or violence? Just curious about rules of engagement.
Murchan failed
WTF is the understanding among the $$$ & entitled ?
Do whatever we want … sue me!
Please let us know.
Biden should have cut him loose
efforts to save democracy.
I mean did we really think corruption and ineptitude magically vanished at the federal level?
Not into BS like sugar-coating & other nonsense career doj prosecutors do DAILY as they gaslight us for years.
Thank you Hashem, for Marc!!!
Democracy is ending in two weeks.