I founded and chair an "elite law firm" and we are not in retreat. I have spoken with many other "elite" firm leaders that are staffing up.
What the WSJ means is large corporate law firms. Please do not confuse quality with cowardice.
What the WSJ means is large corporate law firms. Please do not confuse quality with cowardice.
And some MORALS. God Almighty is judging us ALL.
It's seriously worth your time to watch this. https://Pslweb.org
But not as much as I want the end of Trump
We suffer Voltaires Bastards at our disadvantage
WSJ is garbage
This is America in 2028. A nation that once led the free world, now little more than a cautionary tale told in whispers..."
I wouldn’t believe a word they print.
Guidance for mobilizing
See my blog post with names/bios of former Trump attorneys
The @wsj.com is dead.
somebody needs to start a tracker for these fuckers. Add them to the list for war crimes when we get done sorting this bullshit from Trump.
There will be plenty of good work for you all to do.
All they have are their lies.
#WSJ Retreats in Fear of Liberty
Couldn’t one of these kids, like the “Hack a thon” winner from UC Berkley, be coaxed into an honest deposition?
Why is everyone in ”Trump’s Orbit” untouchable?
Nobody is backing down. Strategize, Organize, and Strike.
Rupert and friends (Fox News) are just controlling the message to the educated deplorables!
The opinion section has been worse than used toilet paper for long before Murdoch bought it.
Anyone ever picked on by a bully know the best way to deal with them is confront them. Fight fire with fire.
The greedy rich will never be too lazy to vote or to lie to gullible fools.