I did not anticipate that so many leaders across industries and professions would allow fear to silence them.
Even worse than their silence in the face of Trump’s actions against our democracy is their silent complicity as they watch their peers be targeted, humiliated and punished.
Even worse than their silence in the face of Trump’s actions against our democracy is their silent complicity as they watch their peers be targeted, humiliated and punished.
New leaders will come
This is why I respect you so much. What you do matters.
"It is not enough to be compassionate. You must act." - Dalai Lama
“I will not back down. I will not bow or scrape. I will never obey.” – Marc Elias
Business welcomed Hitler cause he meant stability. The slave labor he gave them was gravy.
THEY didn't know where it would end up
but YOU DO
Keep fighting the good fight Marc! Thank you!
It's relatives, friends, neighbors. In many instances people I have known, loved, and respected my entire life. Sitting by in quiet support of this despicable movement in US history. That is the gut punch that cuts the deepest.
People need to resist by constantly acting and impeding him in a similar overwhelming way that is faster than what he, or the administration, can keep up with.
and then common sense kicks in and i just know it's not me
i wish i could find more like me in my area
this is madness
Red dots are searching the internet for “doge checks” and “$5000 a month for life.”
If it wasn’t terrifying, it would be funny-ish.
I have given up trying to understand this madness. I used to try, but it's impossible
It's insane. Insanity can not be sane. That's the only thing to know about it. Just accept it, avoid it, work around it
i live in an area that bleeds red on all topics. it's horrible to watch.
i remind myself almost daily to stay the course
Mindfulness - sadly so passé.
This is a new kind of war. Connection is part of resistance.
But Fox News is the opiate of the masses, and now the Murdoch and Sacklers have lots of company.
Stopping them is my priority. Understanding them and trials are for later.
Remarkably like Hitler & his arrest for the Putsch & getting off lightly like tRump for J6!
Of course everything was set in play as 45 with the selection of 3 Conservative SCOTUS appointments!
Outshine them, and the light will destroy the darkness.
It's time to try something new. Nothing else has worked.
Unity of purpose is all we need.
Unity towards a favorable end result.
Sorry, Mr. Rock from American History class.
That situation could be remedied if we ate the rich. 💵
Your company stands to take an initial hit like the rest of us but there is power in numbers. Do not cave, please!
His spirit is alive and well here. I read so many on BSky who inadvertently use his template to great extent. Hear ye, Hear Ye!!!
Tyrants know that they cow the herd by killing off random members.
A question worth asking: what causes community?
He should be in prison for the rest of his life because of crimes he committed (not because he was being picked on). He was 100% ineligible to be president. Trillion dollar industry of lies has disconnected people from reality.
My father fought 1939 to 1945 in various theatres of war but was in the British X Corps attached to US 5th Army in Italy
Please Remember
“You have to fight in the Peace as hard as you fight in War
Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Trumpty together again. 🤷♂️
Even now, as we speak, plenty of U.S. and EU companies are still doing a booming business with Russia.
Your choice.
Anyone brave enough in the land of the brave?
The US will most indeed suffer the same fate.
End of today's Masterclass.
Tomorrow they'll have to face up to their cowardice, and I hope they'll pay the price.
Cowards. They're cowards.
At what point to people realize that living in fear is not living?
Just administrators who fell upwards.
"Go ahead and stay silent. Let fear rule you. Watch injustice happen. Just don’t act like you did not know and accept that you are the latest in a long line of cowards who learned nothing from the past."
Trump will not stop, unless and until people (business owners, tax payers) are united against him.
It feels like we're living in an alternate universe or trapped in some dystopian nightmare that we can't wake up from.
The lack of integrity, morality, courage and decency among our leaders in this country is truly astounding.
Keep it up.
We have to remember our history.
This fearfulness is as bad as the fear itself.
We are Americans, not Russians. And we outnumber “them,” despite their lies.
OH WAIT...tRump is targeting those too!😳
True nos. will never be known but the outcomes are the same! 😳