“But no one in the wider world can appreciate how stressful it is to confront an executive order like this until one is directed at you.” --Brad Karp.
Fuck you, you coward.
Fuck you, you coward.
Reposted from
Bill Kristol
This letter from Paul Weiss chair Brad Karp makes things worse. Basically offers rationale and justification for everyone else following in Paul Weiss’s footsteps and capitulating to Trump. BLUF: We capitulated and everyone else should as well.
Will they clearly defend rights of people to protest a foreign political party that slaughters innocent civilians?
Whose definition? Likud’s, Netanyahu? AIPAC?
They are defending an authoritarian.
(In case you haven't noticed, a whole lot of women are standing up to this regime.)
Drab Krap
he's not only a coward, he's a traitor....
3 days later, the satellites could see empty piers because the clouds had cleared…
I did not bend the knee then and I won’t bend it now.
He's the law firm equivalent of Chuck Schumer.
Me: „Oh, shit, sorry“
🇺🇦 friend: „Yeah, it’s ok, it’s not a nuclear bomb 🤷🏼♂️“
Paul Weiss: Can you imagine the stress of an EXECUTIVE ORDER!
What is the point of being that wealthy and not even defend yourself?!?
If you ever have wondered what you would have done as a German citizen during the 53 days it took Adolf Hitler to take authoritarian control of the government, you’re doing it now.
Sellouts and Collaborators
What a world.
Brad Karp will forever be = to POS
"...we agreed to commit $10 million per year over the next four years in pro bono time in three areas.... assisting our Nation’s veterans, countering anti-Semitism, and *promoting the fairness of the justice system.*" (** my emphasis)
Statute of Limitations is 5 years for bribery, not 4...right?
Fuck you, you coward.
So thankful for your strength, courage, and dignity.
You bent the knee,Brad. You set a boundary with the Fourth Reich,and they'll see it as a challenge and take you the rest of the way down to the floor. But you're smart enough to know that already, right, Brad?
Plus, Trump is a 34 felon, not exactly a Virgin Mary, so maybe there is Kompromat involved.
Instead of challenging the unconstitutionality of Trump’s pursuit they folded like a cheap suit. Maybe they are not the best lawyers, just charge like they are.
Try being snatched from your home, put in shackles, taken to a brutal prison in El Salvador... and the LEGAL SYSTEM isn't there to defend your rights ... and you don't have 40 million to pacify the DEMON.
THAT's frightening.
YOU'RE still wearing a fancy suit in a nice office.
Do some PRO BONO work there?
Or would Trump 'not like that'?
Sorry .. I suck at sarcasm on here
I don't care how good they are known to be, they just threw their hands in the air and willingly lost their case for self-preservation. The end.
Your wife & mistress now,not only think but know you’re a pussy.
Your parents.. you’ve become their biggest disappointment. Your children, hang their heads & you’re no longer the person they want to grow up & be.
All your pals… they all lost your number.
You’re a LOSER dude.
yes I concur and I would like to add
dictator sponsoring law firm
throwing away democracy to protect societal misfits
HOW do you sleep at night
must be a customer of Mattress Firm
I quit a six figure job at Theranos as a single mom with “some college” and was unemployed for over a year.
We’re okay.
These talented lawyers would survive if their firm imploded because it stood up to a tyrant.
Democracy may not survive if we obey in advance.
Have a backbone.
~Warren Buffet
Brad Karp & Paul Weiss’ firm are naked (and afraid). Wimps. Sad scared wimps.
We saw other firms angling to take our clients, so we showed them by capitulating.
We could challenge it in court, but clients told us they'd leave, so we didn't.
Trump got them to destroy their own firm for him.
What an utterly ludicrous and self-centred comment to make.
“Sit here, deliberating in cold debates, If we should sacrifice our lives to honour, Or wear them out in servitude and chains. Rouse up, for shame! our brothers of Pharsalia Point at their wounds, and cry aloud - To battle!”
Choose wisely 🇺🇸 ⚖️
The other BigLaw CEOs best do so before following his lead.
For those who are hard up, it’s here free to see on TubiTV
Don’t go down in history like the studio chiefs who played footsie with McCarthy.
Gotta save that lake house! And the ski lodge. And the art collection. And the investment portfolio. Not the cars, too?
Oh you poor man, now we completely understand!
nothing you could do
Just put on the armband and learn to salute
They all have bigger dix than than the cowering wimps like Brad Karp.