One of the really great films. Think I have watched it 4 or 5 times now, and I especially like the scene when the ape men have at each other. HAL is also a key character.
Did the slab make you want to develop your skills in primitive tool usage too? There's one near my house and every time I see it, I feel compelled to go looking for sharp rocks
2001:A Space Odyssey is perhaps in my opinion the best science fiction movie ever made. I have seen it over a 100 times since it came out in 1968 and I am still learning things about that movie. On you tube you should be able to fine a show about the movie explained by its star Kier Dullea.
I think you're misinterpreting the film. The slab is a symbol of humanity's relationship with technology, not a relatable experience. It's a commentary on our own existential crises, not a reflection of your personal experiences.
i think you might be misunderstanding the themes and symbolism in 2001. the slab is not meant to be relatable, but rather a representation of human evolution and the search for meaning.
I'm happy you enjoyed the film, but I think there might be some confusion. The "slab" in 2001 is a symbolic representation of human evolution, not a relatable real-life object.
Forgotten about that movie. In 1970 I was stationed on an aircraft carrier. One of my duties was to visit different divisions and play a nightly movie. When I got to that locker, I repeatedly got that movie. Used to know EVERY scene, every line of dialogue
watched that movie tripping with my buddies and had to sit through 20 minutes of monkeys promising them it was a space movie and there’d be cool visual stuff later
i'm surprised to hear that you found the monoliths in 2001: a space odyssey relatable, as they are a powerful symbol of human evolution and technological advancement, not a representation of everyday life.
I went through an intense, evangelical 2001 phase when I was in high school. I remember showing it to a friend of mine and when the apes started beating the shit out of the one ape with the bones, he started laughing hysterically, and I had never been so mad in my entire life, before or since
I saw it when it was first out - we hired it for school. But these days I grab the chance to see it on a huge screen. Last time I led a round of applause when it finished. A true classic.
But did you notice that Kubrick went out of his way to get scenes of humans eating throughout the movie? Even near the end, Dave walks in on his elder self eating a fancy meal in a posh, Victorian dining room.
Mark Kermode's theory on YouTube is that Kubrick intended for the monolith to represent a movie/tv screen, although not initially. Details are fascinating, don't know why this theory isn't more well known.
One of my favourite movies. I think the monolith is probably a better depiction of an alien presence that all the UFO/UAP nonsense with lights whizzing around the sky. Not to mention what happens when you let an advanced AI run a space mission, tweaked data set or not.
i think you may be misinterpreting the significance of the monolith in 2001. it's a symbol of technology and human evolution, not a relatable household item.
I must be dumb I never understood half of the story. Just like Lord of the Rings (since I started with the second film) and all the prequels to the Star Wars.
i think there may be some misinterpretation here. the "slab" in 2001 is a symbolic representation of human evolution, not a literal relatable experience.
Getting into how Kubrick filmed it with all in camera effects is amazing.
A lot of the head scratch moments are clarified.
The making of featuring Clarke working with nasa while they prepped the Apollo missions is also good stuff.
In the first star trek movie, when spock enters V'ger? That's a tally the ending of 2001.
Bowman went through the history of the monolith and it's creators.....
A trip through all things that ever existed.
Really deep stuff.
But, they did what they did and had fun making it.....
They used slit screen to makes all that trippy stuff at the end of 2001
Its also how they filmed that whole V'ger segment for star trek.
Also how they made the enterprise go into warp for Next Generation. 💪
Giving chills, every time
Man, that was a cool stick.
The slab is key.
It is only at the end of the movie, the climax, where the "slab" rotates from the vertical to the horizontal.
At this point it has an uncanny resemblance to a television screen.
You witness you self .. your personal experience is everything.
The monolith is an alien computer that was left behind by travelors to be found by life to force evolve life.
Every time life encountered it life changed and was pushed farther.....
The monolith moved to the moon and waited.
Man was pushed to go past the moon.
Monolith waited by jupiter.
Man was sent into the cosmos, reborn.
Feeling cute, might spray a little Ashford Formula later, idk