I can't get enough of the videos of Republican House Rep. Harriet Hageman getting booed in Wyoming yesterday at her town hall.
This is in...Wyoming.
To be clear: Wyoming.
We also want our Democracy back, too, but there are a lot of things that aren't going to happen. At least not right now.
It's great to push back & force a walk off from the podium.
Truth to power, just like in this movie.
Keep pushing back.
George Santos. 😂😂
It's all in the breath control, people. Support your voice from the diaphragm instead of trying to push your voice with your throat.
Not a trustworthy face, but a wacko one.
Yet, most of Red Wisconsin thought this was a good idea 🤦🏻♀️
Like pouring gasoline on a fire 🔥
They’re really going to be surprised at the backlash.
What do we do with liars like this?
Are they afraid of their constituents?
"Let them eat cake"
And lightning didn't strike - my argument that God doesn't exist.
Let's be honest. Does saying that ever work?
Venture outside their media bubble,
Suddenly GOP’s in all sorts of trouble.
Folks who don’t do X or Fox News,
See the lying. Let loose the boos!
I watched (D) Rep Glen Ivy of Maryland, and he treated everyone who disagreed with him with respect, but he was forceful in his answers but never condescending.
It's how you talk to people.. and Harriet is just a hateful witch.
Not concerned about Social Security, medicaid, Medicare, or all of the federal worker cuts that harm families
This one definitely forgot who works for who.
Perfect SNL spoof
this one’s out of her fuckin mind
This is no way to be subjugated. Stop resisting. Listen to Harriet!
We're not going to "calm down" while you Morons destroy OUR COUNTRY
Oh, that’s what did happen.
It has to be the largest case of Stockholm syndrome in history.
Fuck you.
More of this wherever they roam!!! ✊
Mmmm, I wonder why.
And that creature actually thinks people shouldn't be concerned about what OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is doing??
A recession & housing crash is GREAT for Billionaires.
Like 2008 & 2020.
Bottom 70% get crushed, then THEY buy up cheap stocks & foreclosed homes.
This IS what is going to happen.
And this time SS, Medicaid & vaccines will be gone.
So many elderly homeowners to kill, so little time.
Global✨ Class✨ Solidarity ✨
“You guys are gonna have a heart attack if you don’t calm down.”
That’s pretty tone deaf considering that one mission of DOGE/Musk is to destroy Medicare and Medicaid so some Americans are plunged into poverty by a single illness or accident while others die of curable diseases.