Truth in government is also often shunned as it invites hostility. Pointing out the Emperor's nakedness can be hazardous, requiring boldness; sadly, it's easier to bow down and go with the flow.
That's the entire institutional centrist liberal milieu across the English-speaking world. See also the NYT, the CBC, etc. The Dems and the Liberal Party of Canada are desperately trying to shake that mentality off, with mixed success.
Check their net worth and that may give you an indication on why they feel that way. Financial security gives folks false the feeling of being immune to a lot.
My advice to USA businesses, foreign businesses including companies that sell weapons to USA is demand payment in full before any work is done and make sure you get the payment in gold, silver, foreign currencies you are willing to accept.
This is why many academics don't make good leaders or even admins in their own areas. They have academic knowledge, but lack the skills to make connections that need to be verbalized or are too invested in being falsely polite and confident.
You’re fighting a fascist autocracy; not making s’mores while singing “Kumbaya”.
Donald Trump is DEADBEAT BUM.
How can I be guilty of sin?