The 4 votes in this case are why it’s ridiculous to assume that it’s a 100% chance the Court would prevent a third Trump term.
Reposted from
Josh Marshall
there was zero basis on which to do anything else. but it's a reminder that you have four and often five or six thoroughly corrupt justices who on the merits should be removed from office.
Senate appoints.
Yea - USA's open source media often say '[insert name of POTUS] appointed [insert name of Judge/Justice]', but your open source media folks need courses in Civics and American Government more than most USAians.
Putin did it and Trump copies Putin.
100% he’ll do it, odds SCOTUS will grant it?
Not zero, definitely not zero.
I'll add, because if he's popular 2 years from now, he'll have an easier time getting to run for a third term.
I bet Trump doesn't even Zoom in tomorrow.