Voters in ALL Reform constituencies prefer closer ties with EU over US
When asked if the UK should prioritise trade with the EU or US, all constituencies - even Reform ones - backed Europe
When asked if the UK should prioritise trade with the EU or US, all constituencies - even Reform ones - backed Europe
Isn't that so Nige?
Musk's toxicity may be playing a part here too, they don't seem to like him very much.
Doubt #Trump has much time for a #creepy, #weedy, #purile, #sycophant like #Farage.
#Brexit is now such a horrific mess that even #Farage says it failed.
#Reform has no real economic policy.
Aping the #Trump regime is silly.
It's the weakest in our society, the sick, the disabled.
Labour needs to do everything it can to make people better off though, or here come the protest votes next time...
Just another UKIP, Brexit Party etc etc.
As they say, don't believe the hype.
When they fold/Farage has enough and leaves to start yet another far-right party where he’s the main character, they’re gone forever like UKIP and BNP…
Yes people will vote stupid time & time again but Reform will never get in, Farage will never be PM, it's just a case of one step forward two steps back, however while there are steps forward it keeps these cretins from any real power.
If Reform are still any great shakes by the next GE, all that will happen is a split of the right wing vote again.
I'm just trying to think of the next stupid named party Farage will be in charge of by then.
I know they are buying British companies.
It's obvious they want more control.
The EU is weaker without us and we are weaker without them.
Now, wait for the low turnout of voters.
Encouragement is needed, people need to be motivated
Tories have ruined the UK and Labour initial actions are turning people off. They are not managing the PR at all well. Thats aside from the descions
The grift continues.