Its not treading a fine line. Its outright blackmail
What a totally despicable act of cowardness from the supposed leader of the free world. "When your time comes & it will, don't look to us for compassion, it won't be there I turn my back on you the same way you turned yours on the people's of 🇺🇦 for greed"
Trump and his comrades are satanic selfish dictators.
People have to stand up before it’s to late.
If only he applied AT LEAST the same pressure on the aggressor as he does the victim to get a lasting peace agreement instead of a surrender!!
It has totally been removed from the front page and the politics tab as well.
It's almost like sky news does not want to show the UK working with the Europe.
When will we learn?
Going to be difficult but....
I think, he is pure, primitive instinct, fuelled by greed and egotism - no masterplan, nothing!
Just what you'd expect from a criminal slum landlord backed and bailed out by Russian money.
Heres an idea...the EU use frozen Russian assets to rearm Ukraine....then help them extract their OWN minerals to fund EU and Ukrainian military from now on.
Conspiracy to commit extortion.
#Trump #JDVance did you say thank you for the lives, money and support provided by the UK and European members of NATO in Iraq and Afghanistan?!!!
Starmer is an idiot now.
Trump is our enemy.
Trump would *never* try something like that again, err...
He is a pathological liar and a bully.
Mob boss #KGBKremlinKrasnov shakedown.
The Asshat never learned his lesson.
'the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.'
Blackmail would be in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about Ukraine or Zelensky and there isn't anything compromising to reveal.
A shameful stain on the US. The Democratic world is watching.
What a lot of sleepers there were in the Republican Party.
Will 300 million Americans just sit back and watch this happen?
Does this represent your values?
-Asking for a friend.
He blocked US aid for more than half of last year, he chose J D "I don't really care about Ukraine" Vance as VP, he appointed an agent of Russian influence as Director of Intelligence and put a drunk in charge of the Pentagon.
What did anyone expect would happen?