I read out loud 'Hungry for Home: A Wolf Odyssey' by Asta Bowen to my children in the 1990s. Really impactful story of wolf families and they were enthralled! HIghly recommend as a way to help children care about wolves.
Never come face to face El Lobo 🐺 but I know that they can be dangerous but they play a role in the web of Life as does all other dangerous creatures. They help maintain the balance of the web of life.
To lose them would bring an imbalance to the Web of life we too rely on for our life.
Support Trap Free Montana. The Montana legislature is currently loosening wolf trapping laws, including leg and snare methods, and extending the wolf hunt season to 9 months. Licenses are extremely cheap, cruelty is becoming normalized, and bag limits are not small. #TrapFreeMontana
The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone should be example enough to show how important this species is to the environment. Stunning changes for the better. It's a shame that the current regime is set to remove all environmental protections.
magats don't care about animals and they sure don't care about our environment. which also means they don't care about their kids' and grandkids' futures either. nice huh?
To lose them would bring an imbalance to the Web of life we too rely on for our life.
Makes me miss my half woof... although he was very exceptional.
Thank you for this beauty ❤️
Us humans can't do that at all