if a flag being flown by a liberal at a protest full of liberals protesting lawless behavior by the government makes you feel "unsafe" i humbly submit you are either not serious about politics or in need of a therapist
if you hate it man that's fine our whole deal is kind of that you get to do that
I'm sure some are fascists doing commie cosplay, while others are hoping to be the red part of a red-brown alliance fighting against liberalism/democracy/"wokeness"/etc, but yeah, probably the same overall goal of discrediting their enemies on the left
somehow, fetterman has always managed to be both.
but not like kenyatta & lamb supporters didn't try to say almost killing a black jogger in 2013 was problematic.
Sadly, this has always been part of leftism because understanding the US has ugly parts as well as good ones is a stage in broadening your mind...but people get stuck there.
As with the old firebomb a Walmart meme: if she's such a fan of the Basque space program, per this profile bio, why doesn't she just go ahead and emulate it and show us rubes how politics should be done?
what makes this such an incredible “series” is how it reuses even minor characters later on. you see a cameo and then say “dang, i’ve seen this person before two seasons ago”
using progressive language doesn't make anti-social behavior suddenly good, and saying you don't think people should do anti-social things doesn't mean you think that certain punishments for behaviors are good
I gotta say, a lot of the internal logic of A Clockwork Orange has started making a lot more sense to me of late.
"Oh, quasi-progressive excuse-making for every fallen aspect of human nature does kinda snowball into a permission structure for casual violence, whaddya know?"
What if certain classes of guy are inherently smol beans, and we need to foreground the 2nd or 3rd order effects of structural forces over their own consistent choices?
Less about A Clockwork Orange and more online dopes galaxy braining themselves into permission structures for people they’re sympathetic with (incl. sometimes themselves) to behave anti-socially or counterproductively, when they don’t imagine themselves as have consequences from those actions.
also, native americans have one of if not *the* highest rate of military enlistment by percentage of population in this country. this person doesn’t speak for or know anything about us (i’m mestiza)
What I always love about these weebs is that everyone in Asia, to include the Japanese, would be entirely offended if told that some idiot thought they were a "victim of colonialism."
Don't be mad at me because I'm out here counterprotesting all these disgusting American flag liberals under this pre-American colonization rising sun flag.
I am curious to know what polling numbers look like in Laos, Cambodia, Korea, and Vietnam for the question “how many nukes should the US have dropped on Japan” just cuz I wanna know the biggest number someone says
Also, Korean? Like the whole reason South Korea isn’t part of a dictatorship ruled by starvation is the US military! I get that it’s complicated but it’s also in a sense not.
Say what you will about the Park regime, and there isn't a lot good to say about it, but it did not impose mass starvation on the ROK. The same cannot be said of the Kim regime.
A big part of it is that, at best, most Americans can remember 1 (one) fact about our relations with any given country, and of course leftists are obsessed with the (very real) bad things we've done. But it's been 250 years now, "it's more complicated than that" applies almost everywhere.
also the one who thought marcos was a cia plot was rich, he was a lot friendlier with PKP-1930 than his predecessor, who was a center left Liberal Party guy
the only place I've ever fired a gun was South Korea, I took a tour of the demilitarized zone which was basically entirely the tour guide, whose husband was in the military, talking about how much she wanted to team up with us and flatten NK, and then she took us to shoot guns at the range
except the firing guns at the range, that was in fact fun and I signed up for it
I just, I do agree absolutely that a lot of Internet leftists would be extremely blindsided if they went to somewhere like SK and badmouthed the US like that
I mean I think wherever you go you'll find SOMEBODY receptive to that message. Haters everywhere! It's just that they aren't gonna magically exempt you from their disdain, however much you might wish it.
Had an annoying back and forth with someone once who claimed dropping the bombs was genocide, and implying there was some conspiratorial reason we only used them on Japan, as if Germany hadn't already surrendered by then.
last time i was in japan i was at a sake festival and had a funny experience of a very drunk japanese man attempting to apologize to me for pearl harbor
he was very happy when i told him dude no one cares anymore it's fine, we love japan
That's my assumption, in which case.......why not include Germans? We firebombed German civilian population centers into oblivion, too. It's all just the extremely lazy "white = empire, nonwhite = colonized" categorization that a certain kind of leftist loves to erase Asian history with
I think anyone who is still sitting on the idea that kneecapping Harris last fall is justified because it's "worth it", *is* politically toxic & has no place in the broad coalition of the left.
Hope she enjoys Trump invading, bulldozing the place and building another Trump Tower over the graves!
if you hate it man that's fine our whole deal is kind of that you get to do that
but not like kenyatta & lamb supporters didn't try to say almost killing a black jogger in 2013 was problematic.
"Oh, quasi-progressive excuse-making for every fallen aspect of human nature does kinda snowball into a permission structure for casual violence, whaddya know?"
Given her, uh, perspective on Vietnamese- and Cuban-American politics, not sure it's the most *likely* option, but benefit of the doubt and all that.
- Some Korean grandma who's seen a couple of Youtube videos about big numbers
except the firing guns at the range, that was in fact fun and I signed up for it
I just, I do agree absolutely that a lot of Internet leftists would be extremely blindsided if they went to somewhere like SK and badmouthed the US like that
Almost all Americans suffer from Main Character Syndrome, but most of us are aware that not everyone else in the story plays the same role.
Meanwhile Japanese people are some of the most friendliest to USians in the world
he was very happy when i told him dude no one cares anymore it's fine, we love japan
literally imperial japanese propaganda, but leftishly
They were Japanese-American volunteers from the internment camps.
This is not semantics; it's an abuse of lazy shorthand to imply something is bad without making a real argument