Elon Musk says that no one has died because he slashed humanitarian aid. I went to South Sudan to check if that's true. It's not. Meet Peter, Achol and Evan, ages 10, 8 and 5. The reckless actions of the world's richest men are killing the world's poorest kids https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2025/03/15/opinion/foreign-aid-cuts-impact.html?unlocked_article_code=1.4E4.H8Lx.GD39rucUfloD&smid=url-share
Why is an article fact-checking Elon Musk’s claims about USAID cuts published in the NYT under “OPINION”?
(And also have very tiny balls.)
Likewise, Project 2025 is what you’d do if you were trying to destroy the U.S. from within along with any good it may have achieved globally.
Not a single person elected elmo to office. Trusk gov’s plan was to plunk him in the seat and together pull the rip cords. Their evil destruction of those who are already suffering is beyond sickening.
The question is how do you get him out.
Just think, if that man chose, his $bns of wealth could alleviate World hunger & disease, almost all of it. Yet this is his attitude, his belief
Small wonder no reasonable person wants his cars or his satellites
('Cos they're a bunch of ignorant bastards/Who smell like baboons!)
Should have shown up.
Download files here: https://tinyurl.com/msn6wmse
It's murder.
Work on economizing your verbiage
Cruelty alone may not be his only objective.🤨
Charity and humanity are not waste fraud and abuse.
Internationally, this is genocide (let's remember Musk is an Aparthied).
Locally, States should start charging Musk and his Dogettes with applicable crimes for withholding allocated funds.
They might not stick, but they'll sting.
clueless, a liar, or both
on the lowest rung of emotional intelligence (makes a good match for his bestie tRUmp)
a toddler completely unaware of everything in the world outside his own immediate experience
a useful idiot for RUssia
lacking compassion at a level that is truly evil
A US-funded maternity clinic opened in December.
"Since it opened with a trained midwife, Susan Ikoki, not one mother or baby has died."
Trump cut off funding, and the clinic closes this month.
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