Twice in the last few days I’ve been approached by massive, exuberant dogs who refused to come back when their owners called. On one occasion I was holding a baby. When I told the owner to put their dog on a lead, they scowled at me like I was unreasonable.
Twice in the last few days I’ve been approached by massive, exuberant dogs who refused to come back when their owners called. On one occasion I was holding a baby. When I told the owner to put their dog on a lead, they scowled at me like I was unreasonable.
Children are people, and not as dangerous as large dogs.
- are there kids/other animals around? LEAD.
- is there unattended food, or possibly dead fauna that your dog might eat? LEAD.
- does your dog ever refuse to come back to you when you call it? LEAD.
Most parts of the US have laws which state that dogs in public must be on leads at all times. Of course, we also have plenty of chucklefucks who think THEIR dog is special. 🙄
Thankfully, they have been, but what am I supposed to do if they're not?
It's not only a social and safety problem. Off leash dogs chase and kill wildlife, they can dig in sensitive soil, and their waste harms vegetation.
(I was born and raised in the countryside and people having dogs off lead in fields around livestock, especially at this time of year, are a bloody menace and potential financial liability to farmers.)
It makes me absolutely crazy
And retractable leashes are garbage
My pitties are the friendliest dogs, but that doesn't mean you know em well enough. That's on me, the owner.
I'm a huge fan of pitties and I always ask permission to pet them if I see some being walked 💕
My pittie mix is a highly reactive, high anxiety potential fear bite risk so I'm super careful to have him leashed and fully controlled and never let strangers close enough to pet him
Carry pepper spray.