WOW good job from our Dutch neighbours (I`m German), we do not need fascism/racism in Europe, we don´t need them ANYWHERE on this planet.
I couldn´t demonstrate here, I have agoraphobia and I´m disabled.
Thank you for posting an actual article 🔗 about Amsterdam protest that allows credit be given to journalists actually out there doing the sometimes dangerous live reporting.
I too often see people download photos and articles, not share 🔗 or even give name credit to photographer and/or journalist.
When you found out either on your own or through others letting you know - did you let them know that you were aware - and ask them to consider giving you the credit?
Or they pull the wrong picture from some wildly different protest. I need to do my research on every incendiary post to verify its authenticity before I start adding my two cents. Anyhoo, Happy Waning Crescent, Ἄρτεμις!
And I know sometimes the person pulling the wrong picture for a different protest or event hasn't done this intentionally - but they didn't do the research to verify accuracy, repost what they believe to be accurate; is sometimes widely deseminated before error flagged🤦🏻♀️
We need to keep doing that every day around the world. And even though some people believe we're not doing anything over here oh yes we are protesting against that ourselves you're just not seeing it because of propaganda legacy Media. Do not cater to them run them out of business
And THAT is how it's done. Come on y'all, take to the streets, exhaust your reps and demand at least for the south african immigrant to be deported. (Lord KNOWS SA does not want him back either, maybe send him to Honduras)
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YAY! Thanks to our Buckeye neighbors for showing up!
We did too in the D to stand with our Canadian neighbors against Abuse of Power. There was a serendipitous chain of unity yesterday! 🫶🇱🇷🇨🇦🗽
Thank you, that is very kind. I look around me and I see people doing incredible things for their community, to try to protect them. I am inspired and motivated by those all around me and those I will never meet from abroad. People whose lives are also affected by Trump. He is malignant.
People are upset, worried, scared all around the world because of the musk presidency.
And they should be. Good thing about Europe is that they will go out and demonstrate.
US is also a very large country, and its not a quick and affordable trip to DC for most of us, unfortunately. We really need a huge protest in DC instead of smaller ones spread all over the country. But I don't know how we can make that happen, especially long term, which is also probably necessary.
I think the urgency is worth thinking harder. Do we get people living in DC to offer couches to those who are able to stay for a sustained protest effort? I don't know. I just feel like everyone's doing their best, but 1 day of protests spread around the country will probably get a shrug from Trump.
Well, speaking from the country YOUR country is talking about fucking invading and taking over, I guess I’m just a little bit touchy. So is the rest of the world you pompous American.
Too many support Trump, many do speak up and protest (with intentionally reduced media coverage), but most people are too busy surviving and living paycheck to paycheck to care.
There will be another breaking point, probably in the summer, similar to George Floyd's murder in 2020
Y'all wouldn't be protesting either. If the Conservatives won and were doing this kind of crazy shit Canadians would be doing the same handwringing and meager protesting that's happening now. We don't control our government or have the power to change it after an election.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" May we learn our lessons from history as so many try to scrub, rewrite and deny it. Thank you!
If you don't show up to vote, you don't count. Dance around with your friends, wave your banners and chant your message, but if you don't show up at the ballot box, you are just cosplaying democracy. If your engagement doesn't get marked on the ballot and counted, it doesn't mean shit.
Thanks for exercising your franchise, but I'm not talking about you, really. I'm referring to the crowds of people. I don't know that even 2 in 10 of them voted.
Rachel Maddow on MSM consistently covers the demonstrations around the country. Ali B in for Lawerence has gone live to the Bernie/AOC gatherings. Only place I have seen them.
To me it’s disturbing they want to primary Schumer. He should step down as min. leader but has other wisdom a newbie doesn’t. I hope we don’t turn into a Left Tea Party fueled only by anger.
Well, for now we have this space to share. I’m glad you did! It lifted my spirits. That was not a mainstream press article but a MAGA commentary. As for reporting people I thought it was normal only if trolled or threatened?
Oh the dutch were probably worse than the british in some ways, being a dutch person in a dutch town in the US and learning about that history is frankly distressing. We more or less invented doing crimes against humanity for racist reasons
It's shocking the Netherlands isn't worse
Reform PLC are doing a pretty good job of tearing themselves apart, no need to give them any more attention than they deserve, a protest like this would delight them, like his hero trump, Nige the Con craves attention, ignoring him really winds him up
Way to go Amsterdam....keep it up, we lefties could use all the voices we can get...Democratic countries need to make sure this PIG is not allowed there...A President who cannot visit our allies is useless..
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And what the hell are we doing compared to them? It's our president threatening the world & most of us are too busy to take to the streets. This is serious!! Americans are spoiled rotten
We did not all vote for him. That’s why we are angry, and scared as hell. I am a 4 hr car ride from NYC let alone DC, but we are still protesting, calling and trying also to protect our students that speak out, those at risk of deportation and the LGBTQ community. So some things aren’t visible.
These massive demonstrations across Europe give me hope.
We all stand together against the threat from the East & now, incredibly sadly, the threat from the West.
People around the world actually knew about this and have been fighting the resurgence of the global right for some time. Not everything has to start and end in America.
Yes, I know. I should have said it's like a great re-awakening for those who are pro-democracy & aware of the dangers posed by the far right who have made dramatic gains in European countries including Germany & France. I am an emigrant & not a believer in American exceptionalism.
Actually, I find it annoying that Americans still don't know what's going on, won't listen to serious criticism of the Democratic Party, insist Lyndon Johnson was a good guy ...
Americans should be listening to foreigners, not presuming to lead - American dominance is precisely the problem
Strange to see the Lebanese flag there, unless they are protesting the Apartheid there towards "Palestinians". Oh, there's a Palestinian colonizer flag there, too. Weird bed fellows, very inconsistent.
From when Stinky was at NATO the first time around ... They Laughed at OLD Poopypants Lies during his "Speech" .. Stinky left the meeting 2 days early ... #butthurt
So what the fuck is wrong with you America? Are you incapable of this or what? Maybe you haven’t been stepped on enough like they have been in Europe. Is that what you’re waiting for? If it is, then that’s exactly what you are going to get and it will be deserved and on you!
Whoa bud, slow your roll there. The USA is a huge Country. We do NOT have Rail/Subway/Bus Lines that run all over it. I personally do not own a car-I walk to work. It's the only way I can afford my house. We WILL get this done & when it happens, it's NOT going to be pretty nor peaceful.
That in it self says a lot about this country…..people having difficulty just getting by and a complete disregard for need of critical services. As I said before if you can’t protest that’s ok. There’s lots you can do from home. I am trying to address the complacency rather than the physical act.
People protest all over the US, but using this as an example of what America should be doing is misguided. The US isn’t a small country with easy mobility and a centrally located capital where people with more time off can protest under a government that currently allows them to do so.
There are enough megacities in US. The population of New York alone is around half the dutch population. It would be enough if protests happened in the metropolitan areas of let’s say NY, LA, Chicago and Houston
Protesting in New York, or anywhere outside of where the politicians actually are, would be purely symbolic, as the city is overwhelmingly progressive and holds no clout over what happens in Washington. Do protests work? Usually, yes. Does it matter where people protest? Even more so.
I drove an hour to protest in a slightly larger town today. I can’t even walk to a store. I drive 30 minutes to work in a school that has 100 kids in the middle of a state park that’s around 29,000 km²? This is in New York. The state.
Anyway there’s protests everywhere, none of it is shared with you
It would take me 3 days to drive to Washington DC for a protest, but I do make the trip to my state capital for protests. Three so far since Jan 20, and counting.
Well I’m in Iowa two hours from Des Moines and 3 1/2 hours from Chicago. Single income with a dependent spouse no public assistance. How do you propose I and my bootstraps proceed.
Agreed. The logistics are a nightmare. There are 340M of us in 50 states and most of us are a paycheck away from being homeless. Our protests may look a little different. If folks can go to their state capitol to protest, that could work. The folks who can get to DC should DEFINITELY go.
The US has 15 metro areas with a population of 4 million and more and 30 metro areas with a population of 2 million or more. If Americans REALLY wanted to they could stage LARGE protests without going to DC. No city squares? Do it at a park. Doesn’t have to be at state capitals either.
I’m in a college town and for now can add myself to a smaller group but it is visible and a group. For now other than phone calls and post card (which I’m not sure work) it’s what I can do. Hopefully here we can work up to a bigger more visible group.
Hitting the streets isn't going to be feasible for everyone. There are many ways you can take action. Go to your local school boards, town councils, etc. Make phone calls when you can, spread the word, just plain talk to people, every little action counts.
America is protesting. Media is somewhat ignoring it but it’s happening. We’re a very large country so it’s hard to concentrate large crowds in every location
Our protests are dispersed across the Country. So many people here are just hanging on, and driving or flying to DC is not as simple as showing up en masse in Countries where it takes an afternoon to drive to their capitol -- it's 2,700 miles one way. You'll see State and regional protests here.
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It’s important to us: the Netherlands are being held hostage by a nonfunctional radical right government… Wilders is a Trump fan. We all need to stand together and resist.
Stay strong. I am sure you'll get rid of tRumps Mini-mini-me next term. But honestly: there is something rotten in all our systems that those kinds of people turn up constantly an cause chaos and wreak havoc.
Good! Nice to see. I used to be proud of my native land and always thought I might move back to Holland in my old age, but since it's veered so far right with 'klootzak' (Dutch for bastard) Geert Wilders, no way.
For sure. It MAY have been more progressive decades ago, but not now. The anti-immigration rhetoric was building (if not boiling over) in Europe long before it became more noticeable in the US & Canada.
Wilders' big win last November was devastating, esp. to the too few progressive Dutchies here.
🥺 You're right. I got it mixed in with the ones I took, remembered seeing that sign, and was so excited that someone shared my photo, but looking at my camera roll in my phone it's not there. I'm so embarrassed.
I need a collage of crowds with qty... of all the protests worldwide. Like make a scrollable webpage... that just keeps getting added to.
It would be epic.
What do you mean? Americans had over 100,000 protesting this week during the work week. Way more than Amsterdam. And we just started. I think we're doing well.
We'll get there. Many of us are working VERY hard - I'm exhausted from working so hard-just got back from a local protest in a small town and we had good turnout. How are you helping?
I’ve been to a ton of protests. I keep wishing there were more people. Not that the turnout was bad recently. It just hasn’t been epic. Some of the women’s marches and occupy protests have been a lot more robust than the anti-fascist ones of late. I hope they gain steam. Lack of media is appalling.
I've felt that too. In my area we experienced a surge of participants this week. Wondering if that might start to spread nationally. I've been frustrated working so hard and then showing up feels like a let down but we've got no choice but to keep at it. I hate protests (introvert) but doing them.
Europe and United States are about the same size, but they have more than twice as many people the same area. They just have to walk outside and there’s a crowd.
Amsterdam has a population of 1M. We have 10 US cities with populations of 1M+. Amsterdam is not losing rights or services as quickly as we are. We should have had 300,000+ to even come close.
Berating your fellow citizens isn’t a great motivator. And this isn’t a competition. We had over 50,000 people in CO alone, pop 5.9 million. Amsterdam had 15,000, pop of The Netherlands, 17.8 million.
Have you been paying attention? Protests everywhere. If you watch Rachel Maddow she covers national protests nightly, also Indivisible gives info if you want to join some in your area- or check out your county Dem website.
I follow indivisible on every platform and I go to the protests. I vote. I share the info. I call. I contact media. I write. If we showed up in per capita numbers like they do in Amsterdam over tariffs alone, we’d have won this fight already. We’re losing our freedom.
Europeans have been through it, they remember. Americans have never had had war on their land, apart from Civil wars over 200 years ago. That’s the difference. 🤷♀️
wait. so why exactly are we suddenly moving the goalposts to “well *actually,* in order for it to really count, it can’t feature any of the public figures we look to for leadership” bc that just sounds like playing right into one of their opposition-fracturing narratives tbh
Americans need those numbers in every city across the states. I’m serious. Serbia got rid of their strongman. But it takes millions. No one is coming to save you. It’s up to every day Americans.
In this fractured news environment- it is hard to see what is happening. And the major media is not covering it. Insanely NYT - no mention of the numbers. There was a protest across the bridge, Detroit and Canada yesterday. Hundreds. Listen - I'm just me- I was only hoping to offer a tiny bit of ❤️.
There’s a big #HandsOff rally by #Indivisible planned for April 5th! Around 500 locations across the country. 82 Rally bus lines going to DC. We’re hoping to make this the biggest single day protest in American history!
We trusted this could never happen here. Greedy racists have been working for decades towards this. Placed in military, police, judges, the list is endless.
I know. I’ve been to them. The cowards are the ones who aren’t showing up. And the media. I know the organizers are telling the media. And even sending in video after the fact.
Let's revoke Elon Musk's American citizenship! We have legal grounds for this, and it goes through the court, not Congress. MuskRat has no respect for our Constitution, our country, and our people. He doesn't deserve to be American! Sign and repost!
No, they didn't. They turned up, listened to some speeches, and then went home. If it had been raining, there would have been thousands fewer. They were all very polite and well-behaved. Americans are so cowed and compliant that they have no idea of how to protest.
For people around the world, we must make this the ultimate movement for peace, prosperity, and democracy! Spread the word, we are no longer sheep to be heard it into fascist states, we are human and we are free!
Fox Entertainment which=Faux News
Is allowed to give fake news in this country. They are not licensed to do news in parts of EU,
But it's a huge problem in USA. Sinclair, Koch, Murdock media brainwash certain states. The Non blue get putzzia like propaganda.
Map ⏬ is actually close to reality
“Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a fight about to start when tomorrow comes.” Les Miserables
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
This needs to be what every American city looks like, every day. We Amercians are cowards and don't deserve a single freedom of our now non-existent Constitution or voided Bill of Rights. Stop the work. Strike now.
Yet every time I go there I get warnings from white Dutch people about getting robbed, etc., by “the blacks” and “the Islamics.” The “tolerance” image is good for tourism. Scratch just a little bit under the surface and it starts to get ugly.
Maybe when you stay in Amsterdam yes It can happen, by nasty white folks too. Here in my village we don’t even lock our 🚲 and they’re still here the next day
I couldn´t demonstrate here, I have agoraphobia and I´m disabled.
I too often see people download photos and articles, not share 🔗 or even give name credit to photographer and/or journalist.
That probably felt devastating.
When you found out either on your own or through others letting you know - did you let them know that you were aware - and ask them to consider giving you the credit?
And I know sometimes the person pulling the wrong picture for a different protest or event hasn't done this intentionally - but they didn't do the research to verify accuracy, repost what they believe to be accurate; is sometimes widely deseminated before error flagged🤦🏻♀️
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post!
We did too in the D to stand with our Canadian neighbors against Abuse of Power. There was a serendipitous chain of unity yesterday! 🫶🇱🇷🇨🇦🗽
Because guaranteed it will come!
And they should be. Good thing about Europe is that they will go out and demonstrate.
Go find your way to US political TikTok to see it
There will be another breaking point, probably in the summer, similar to George Floyd's murder in 2020
I don't think that's an American problem. It's a symptom of the system in which we live.
Final count: 40,000
It hasn't been spoken about once in the media.
Any mention deleted on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and X.
MSN is using stories from other publications about Fight Oligarchy describing "long lines" instead of massive crowds.
It's shocking the Netherlands isn't worse
I used to travel to Hanover from Seattle once a year. Best way: SEA - AMS, crash at airport Hilton, train next day.
Dutch Customs (Gorgeous blonde & green): “Why are you here?” Me: “Hanover Messe.” Customs: “You know this is Amsterdam?”
I wonder at the change. Apparently people can change, and change quickly, in the right circumstances.
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Denver, CO just a few weeks ago.
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Denver population - 3,000,000 - Crowd = 1.1% of population
The Dutch are protest YOUR gov't and greater proportion of their population turn out and no big name speakers, Wake the F up!
We all stand together against the threat from the East & now, incredibly sadly, the threat from the West.
Americans should be listening to foreigners, not presuming to lead - American dominance is precisely the problem
Democrats in the USA, are you seeing this?
Was there often in the early ‘80s. A wonderful city!
I don’t have any social media besides this and have stayed off the news since he got elected for my well being.
Amsterdam seems to have changed for the better and everything is legal
Dallas. A pit for decades.
We need 11 million Americans to show up April 5th! Find out what’s happening in your area and join!
Anyway there’s protests everywhere, none of it is shared with you
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post!
It’s important to us: the Netherlands are being held hostage by a nonfunctional radical right government… Wilders is a Trump fan. We all need to stand together and resist.
I lived in Den Haag back in the late '90s. Cdns and Nederlanders will always have a bond.
Let’s be vocal together.
PVV (Wilders) still at 30 but losing votes.
Followed by Green/Social Democratic Party and Neoliberals (VVD).
Wilders' big win last November was devastating, esp. to the too few progressive Dutchies here.
Article states: Wilders enthusiastic about Trump and Putin. “We lack this kind of leadership in Europe”. 🤮
Lived there.
It would be epic.
Across Canada Monday. I know some are marching, but truthfully it’s just not enough. You have to scare them!
It's a great thing, but it can't just be one day. This protest has to be constant, unrelenting.
I'll look in to it.
Muted. Buhbye now.
That looks like a lot more than 15,000
The tantruming Toddler America requires a time out!
Is allowed to give fake news in this country. They are not licensed to do news in parts of EU,
But it's a huge problem in USA. Sinclair, Koch, Murdock media brainwash certain states. The Non blue get putzzia like propaganda.
Map ⏬ is actually close to reality
There are many huge protests here, main news outlets aren’t reporting on it bc they are owned by the billionaires.
We are protesting. We are organizing strategically. We are doing our best and the crowds are getting bigger and better. People are waking up.
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
Sorry for sarcasm
Resistance to the tangerine tyrant is starting.
I believe Ms Ifill said it best
Elie Wiesel
if a stadium can hold 75k+, and that’s more tightly packed than seating…
“15,000 people protested fascism and racism in Amsterdam yesterday”
Our turn ✊️✌️: