I’m curious, though: if he and Congress declare an “invasion” of the country, can’t the military be deployed to “protect” us? And can’t the state national guards be federalized?
Our military will be crippled by the time this circus leading clown gets done with it. I wonder how many active duty members will opt out instead of reenlisting because of this? They just aren't safe no matter what.
If he ignored such an order, that'd be the point at which I'd support a military coup to remove him from office. Because at that point, democracy would be dead already.
I'm no expert but if he goes too far and the military becomes fractured bc of him, some states will step in to stop overreach with the National Guard. And politicians may go for Article 25 if he's gone all-out dictator. There will be unrest, but I don't see him doing whatever he pleases forever.
Ofc not. That's been the point all along. For a democracy to succeed the people must submit themselves to its laws. Trump doesn't respect the law and certainly knows nothing about submission. Courts can say what they will but who will enforce their rulings
Thank you, this is the question: WHO and HOW will all these so-called guardrails be enforced? You can figure it out pretty quickly just be looking at the proposal to purge career military...
It really saddens me to think about how much the culture of those entering the military now might change. The effect long term of these choices is why I don't forgive people who say, it will change again in four years.
He'll create a situation to enable him to invoke martial law / the insurrection act. It'll be obvious what he's doing and we'll be powerless to stop him.
They won’t obey any orders. They are the Law now and Trump, following the SC decision, is actually above the Law. Sadly, 241 years after fighting your War of Independence, America now has a King that people fought and died trying to free themselves of.
Right. This is what I worry about the most. I believe we can survive anything. Except if he turns the military. We’re toast if that happens. Clear and present danger. Can’t understand how we are just going to let him take our Country.
Highly unlikely, which is the point of his nomination. We are exiting the rule of law and entering the rule of one man. We all need to stand against it. #Resist
Of course not. We’re all aware of what the agenda is. We’re sitting back, biting our nails waiting for the devastating impact of what it’s about to happen.
Hell no. Trump is hiring 'yes' men and women who believe in autocracy. Besides the SCOTUS said Trump is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for conduct within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority. Which means all he has to do is make it 'official'.
He is not obeying the law right now in regards to the Presidential Transition. I think out only hope is in the soldiers realizing they do not have to obey an illegal order.
“ And when the courts — because you will get taken to court — and when the courts stop you, stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”
Are you asking a question? Cause the answer is one you already know. Trump will not obey and he won’t have to. He will burn our laws, Constitution, and our Democracy down on day 1 while Dems try to find their balls. The DNC drinks pablum at Happy Hour.
we needed to depend on the military to follow it's oath to the consitution and country, not a military willing to goosestep all over that oath in allegience to a traitor to the oath.
Yet if he gets rid of anyone in the military who takes that oath seriously and fills the military with his goosesteppers, there will be nobody to stop him.
I am more concerned about members of the military going with anything the orange guy demands. How many proud boys members did we realize were in law enforcement.
This why it’s vital the senior officers at DoD make it clear they will not obey an illegal order. And it’s equally vital that they are not removed for that.
You still have faith in the courts.
Well good for you and I understand.
Myself, 40+ years of public service and all I see/feel is that the American Idea has been a facade.
Kennedy's "Ask not" was only inspirational. Instead, criminals, grifters and charlatans are what we have become.
If Trump is arrested under uniform code of military Justice I would doubt a civilian court has any say to a military action based on security or threat to the constitution
After the AG delays the proceedings for a year or so while Trump's troops lay waste to the place, the appeal will finally get to SCOTUS. Trump already owns the SCOTUS and he may well get more picks before long to make his influence that much more permanent.
They will disregard the courts.
They have never been held to account.
They never go to prison for their crimes, and any low-level guys that do get maybe two months in baby jail.
No. Why should he? There is zero proof he will be held accountable. I don’t like it, but I’m not playing the “merick is working hard behind the scenes “. Or “ you don’t know how the law works”. Game.
oh hell no. I also know of several other active military that would violate court orders and w/the eyes spinning like the wild toad, they'd be off to do his command. I truly believe having Fox propaganda playing 24/7 on military bases, airports adds to the insanity.
Short answer? NO. And have you thought about how the concentration camps at the border will be used once immigrants are murdered (I mean, DEPORTED)? I have. They will stand empty, ready for the next group of those the orange turd hates. Unlimited potential for killing of citizens.
Wouldn’t the admin be able to nationalize the National Guard, which is under a separate jurisdiction than active duty military, and use them to do their dirty work?
Part of our training in the military is it is our DUTY to disobey unlawful orders. I’m hopeful enough service members have that so deeply ingrained that it doesn’t matter who’s giving the orders, they won’t be carried out
Then I assume the Roberts court will say “but what if there WAS an insurrection? We can’t rule the use of military against our own citizens illegal just in case!”
No. He will be deploying active duty personnel on citizens. Without hesitation. The bigger question is, will those active duty personnel follow the orders?
I respect you and have listened carefully to you about the "rule of law." I have a deep concern with this post, as you include a link to X. Maybe some other source link to his bio would be better? We know our data has been manipulated for years by X. We have been told explicitly the same by Meta.
When the Supreme Court ruled against Andrew Jackson,, Jackson allegedly said “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"
Trump originally had *two* likenesses of Jackson in the Oval Office in 2017, undoubtedly at Bannon’s suggestion. But I think that’s a hint to his approach.
That’s what I’m afraid of as well. If he succeeds in purging “woke” officers the odds would seem to be slim that the rank and file would balk. And I have very little confidence in the current SCOTUS to do the right thing whether Trump ignores them or not.
What would be the penalty for doing it?
The Trump Administration is ignorant about legalities and practices
(That rhymes but OK)
He couldn't spell Posse Comitatus much less understand it....
“ And when the courts — because you will get taken to court — and when the courts stop you, stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”
we needed to depend on the military to follow it's oath to the consitution and country, not a military willing to goosestep all over that oath in allegience to a traitor to the oath.
We are now in a Felonocracy.
Ew ick & OMG.
I’m sure all those young voters will be happy to see the draft reinstated.
A different mindset than the Viet Nam era.
You still have faith in the courts.
Well good for you and I understand.
Myself, 40+ years of public service and all I see/feel is that the American Idea has been a facade.
Kennedy's "Ask not" was only inspirational. Instead, criminals, grifters and charlatans are what we have become.
They have never been held to account.
They never go to prison for their crimes, and any low-level guys that do get maybe two months in baby jail.
Trump originally had *two* likenesses of Jackson in the Oval Office in 2017, undoubtedly at Bannon’s suggestion. But I think that’s a hint to his approach.