Thankfully, many of us here on Bluesky see the neon sign announcing that Trump and the GOP are for Russia, not us. GOP are dragging us kicking and screaming into a lawless, pariah state.
We need to unite and organize now. Write to your Reps. Demand answers! Protest! Help to restore our democracy.
They know. They just place self-interest above the country. If we ever find the courage to treat Trump as the traitor he is, I say we give the same treatment to congressional Republicans.
Not only can the GOP read the sign, they are the ones who plugged it in. Why do you think the GOP is somehow unaware and will someday wake up from their spell? The GOP is as much responsible as Trump. Stop waiting for them to come back.
No, the only explanation is that the Republican Party is with Trump and has chosen tyranny over freedom. The Republican Party no longer wants to deal with representative democracy.
Todays Inspiration, Our True Nature
Only a powerful soul can offer love. Only a powerful soul can afford to be humble. If we are weak, then we become selfish. If we are empty, we take, but if we are full, we automatically give to all.
Apparently, there’s been some death threats? Apparently the Democrats are not being threatened? They don’t have a problem seeing what’s going on.
I’m just an ordinary average every day person and I saw it coming when it came down that escalator.
They make no demands of Russia at all much less secure any concessions. We elected a traitor, he's sold us out. His supporters call Europe surrender monkeys. Let's note civilian guns proved no deterrent and actually support the tyranny, as is tradition.
I hope I’m around when Russia determines these idiots have transitioned from useful to useless and decides to change their relationship. I want a front row seat.
It’s not that they can’t read it! They’re part of it! They set this shit in motion decades ago! But its roots stretch all the way back to America’s original sin! All the fucked up shit the Ratpublicans and their predecessors have done lead back there! Deny it if you want, but it’s the truth!
I bet Susan Collins is “very concerned.” Lindsay Graham is probably drinking away his shame at becoming a spineless Trump lickspittle even though he likes to cosplay as “manly.” McConnell will express his outrage as part of his effort to rehabilitate his image for the history books.
As stated in the military oath, "...that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."
It is time for those in the military who honor this oath to recognize the domestic danger.
They see it like the rest of us. But fear of that base is keeping them in line. We need to make these Republicans fear the rest us more. Only then will they turn on Trump finally.
The entire country seems to have ignored it for years. He said in a debate in 2016 “Putin, help me out here”. What did everyone think that meant? I knew. He’s an operative serving Putin. Period.
I disagree. #GOP sees the signs & are helping create the neon lights for the signs. #MaryTrump got it right⬇️. #BlueCrew #resist making excuses for #Republicans in step w/all the Trump #Project2025 planned madness. Use the short words LIE, LIES, cooperation, etc.
Joyce please pass this on! They are going to rob Fort Knox! Bitcoins is money laundering and that’s how foreign countries are buying trump and trump turns it into cash undetected and FBI and cia are to stupid and the are going to crash everything! I think Putin is in on it!
Joyce! Bitcoins are a fraud! Trump musk and his rich friends came up with a scheme using bitcoins the made it look good irradiated they got 850 billion bitcoin to be able to get into stock trade people are investing like crazy the rich are converting in dollars! Gold bars back money bitcoins ???
Joyce and trying to get to Rachelle! I know why they are get rid of a lot of fed senior people and treasury people and trump had to go to Fort Knox they are with the olygaurds are going to rob it!there is no one in charge Kaylee is stupid cia new chief stupid a lot of smoke and mirrors I got more
It’s not they are incapable of reading. They are afraid of making a move against him. They are probably hoping someone else will clean up the mess and their hands will be clean.
Those old white males in Congress are in denial. They know, Johnson knows, the Russians know, the "BIG Z" knows, NATO knows but they cannot say. If America cannot STOP Trump here it's over.
There is no GOP. It died with McCain! What is left is just a lot of sad men and women with no principles, and no core beliefs. They are traitors to their oaths of office!
You all stop. Russia has been playing the long game and you are acting like the GOP are still Americas. The fake outrage is getting tired. We are the USSA now. Stop acting surprised and we better get to work or this will be over by the end of the year.
So try them for treason & incarcerate or execute them. What? No rule of law exists in America because nobody will physically arrest these criminals? Leaves only one solution: Bodybags NOW❣️
Over the last 30 yrs, the Koch Bros, Leo Leonards, and Adelsons of the world have carefully vetted their candidates. Today the GOP is a collection of cons, lapdogs, kooks, morons, zealots, traitors, & sociopaths WITHOUT EXCEPTION. The occasional Collins-style good guy vote is merely performative.
I applaud England, Canada, NATO etc for supporting Ukraine. Why do they feel the need to get Trumps ok on the plans as you can see he is on Russia's side. Set up a fund where Americans can send money to so we can help Ukraine and you can use the funds to get what they need. Forget Trump!
Y’all are fucked. Can the international community sue America for all the fall out, Nuremberg style? I’m really hoping the New Allies can get some justice for MAGA stupidity 😡
You've had Tucker "Marching Orders" Carlson for years now feeding to the GOP "Why should I hate Russia and Vladimir Putin?". Internal propaganda works too
Media should probably start hammering little Marco about what's coming ....In 2023, Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) authored legislation requiring that any presidential decision to exit NATO must have either two-thirds Senate approval or be authorized through an act of Congress.
I suspect the GOP is well aware of his status with Putin, and have all been compromised, threatened, or bribed to go along. I can think of no other reason for their blind allegiance to this regime.
All of this is coming back to bite GOP…allegiance to foreign power is going to lead to betrayal like they did with Ukraine…
America…keep letting them know where we stand…with Ukraine 🇺🇦
Oh come on. Republicans see the "neon sign." They KNOW Putin owns Trump & JD Vance. Republicans have always known it & are 100% OK with it because Putin owns them, too. They're simply cowards putting their desire to stay in political office over the safety of Americans - even their own families.
“Donald Trump and J.D. Vance just destroyed the transatlantic partnership that kept the western world safe for 80 years and rather than spend the weekend trying to repair they both went on vacation”
I bet they don't stop. Military leaders do their thing, even when some "leader" tells them to stop. I have confidence that they'll always support the American people and not some old fool who is a Russian operative.
This is what makes me believe Trump is truly the Siberian Candidate.
Even if you are cool with Putin (?!), you *know* there are an insane number of cyber malefactors in that Oligarchy that are a direct threat to US interests.
This is a purposeful blind eye that will cost dollars and lives.
How many damn data points does one need to see the truth? tRUmp MAGA GQP are RUssian ASSets and traitors to the United States Constitution!! This will NOT stand! Patriots from both parties have to rally to end this abomination! We have got to save our democracy, our country and our European allies!
Oh, they are reading it just fine.
And they prefer a Putin plutocracy to losing the ONE AND ONLY job they have EVER been qualified to do:
They talk to Putin regularly, they gather at mar a lago regularly, they have lined up with Russia and after this drop, probably forming a Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA coalition. When people hit the streets, do they think they will be observers? No, this is on them, and citizens will remember
It's also important for them to stop the U.S. efforts to counteract Russian actions against us in order to curry favor with Russia, and also to hide from the American people the reality that Russia may be Trump's & Vance's friend, but hardly to the rest of us.
And yet, I've read that among the many reasons for Russia's joy in all of this is that when relations are reestablished, it will make it possible for them to reinstitute their spy networks - against us.
One man is being blackmailed and the whole Republican Party is falling in line. It is gonna be too late to reverse this if it does change, and quickly.
I agree with you , what could possibly go wrong? shared this interesting piece from the NYT dated Jan 26, 1935. They too could not see what was coming
The 5 I’s need to stop sharing anything that could compromise anything outside the USA. If they want to share all their top secret info like Trump did let them.
You cannot convince a man of a fact if his job depends on not knowing that fact. MAGA is more than half of the GOP and they will punish anybody not 100% loyal to Trump.
This isn't an excuse, it's me explaining that the GOP as a whole needs to be destroyed.
The Leaders of the FREE World. Note the USA is not represented. We are no longer part of this group. The next photo you see of Trump will be with the other mafia dictator family leaders: Putin, Orban, Jinping, Kim
Why are you saying it like this? We all KNOW the Orange Orc is an agent. So do they. They have been threatened with death for their families. They are cowards, not blind.
If they cyber attack America, then as President r u not obligated to Retaliate!!
oh wait I forgot TRUMP is PUTINS #1 PUPPET! America will never be the same after TRUMP. TRUMPANZES should apologize to rest of America!
Oh,many of them can read it all right. It's just that they value their jobs and their power more than their country's future. History will remember their selfishness and their cowardice
Well we organize and get in good trouble necessary trouble. And make our voices loud enough for them to hear. Talk about anti democracy. Makes me sick.
They see it! They don't care because most of the Republicans were tainted with Russian campaign money filtered through NRA and others 15 years ago!
They kept in getting in deeper and deeper.
America doesn’t get anything. This isn’t about America’s interests — it’s about Trump’s. He’s making bank, and so are his buddies, by supporting Putin.
We need to unite and organize now. Write to your Reps. Demand answers! Protest! Help to restore our democracy.
What they do with it, is another thing.
Only a powerful soul can offer love. Only a powerful soul can afford to be humble. If we are weak, then we become selfish. If we are empty, we take, but if we are full, we automatically give to all.
That is our true nature.
I’m just an ordinary average every day person and I saw it coming when it came down that escalator.
If there are, why are they still supporting Trump?
They have their own signs saying the same.
Is it really so hard to believe that Trump AND congressional republicans are compromised & working for Putin?
It is time for those in the military who honor this oath to recognize the domestic danger.
It's truly a day in America I never ever thought would happen.
Shame on them all in the Maga GOP Cult!
But the older ones actually DO.
Can they profit personally or politically by supporting Putin? Then they will. There is not a single moral fiber left in the entire party.
If this simmers too long, we the people will go around the courts and judges and take matters into our own hands.
But I would much rather see them all arrested by the military for treason and sedition.
Either way, we have to end this presidency. One way or the other.
Shame on every single fed that refused to get a handle on all this Russian money that began flowing into our politics years ago
Now we have an entire government of Russian assets. Trump, Vance, Musk, Johnson - all traitors
So add 51 more, approximately.
while incognito at the bar.
Y’all are fucked. Can the international community sue America for all the fall out, Nuremberg style? I’m really hoping the New Allies can get some justice for MAGA stupidity 😡
Republicans just don't care
We need to fight back as a united front NOW or it will be too late.
We need a Dem leader to channel John Lewis and get a revolution started asap!!
All over USA.
Talk to Republican voters.
Visit their districts, listen to them and their fears.
Is their concern about immigration, overshadowing their cost of living, violation of laws, corruption, education, jobs etc ?
Not everybody joined TrumpMusk cult !
Win them over ♡
America…keep letting them know where we stand…with Ukraine 🇺🇦
Jake Broe
Even if you are cool with Putin (?!), you *know* there are an insane number of cyber malefactors in that Oligarchy that are a direct threat to US interests.
This is a purposeful blind eye that will cost dollars and lives.
I mean, have you listened to Mike Lee or Ron Johnson or Tommy Tuberville?
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
And they prefer a Putin plutocracy to losing the ONE AND ONLY job they have EVER been qualified to do:
North Korea
MAGA & their "leaders" really are that stupid.
And still the Republican Party stands with him.
Never forget!!
Putin does not tolerate drunks!
May Americans NEVER FORGET this absolute betrayal by the traitors they all are.
Violence will be the only way to end this problem. Mark my words. It’s coming.
This isn't an excuse, it's me explaining that the GOP as a whole needs to be destroyed.
She’s such a stupid twit.
They always tell on themselves.
oh wait I forgot TRUMP is PUTINS #1 PUPPET! America will never be the same after TRUMP. TRUMPANZES should apologize to rest of America!
They kept in getting in deeper and deeper.
What if the democratic brand and messaging was completely correct but the votes were changed? I’m betting that you would be able to get to the TRUTH.
Help us Obi-wan. You’re our only hope.