This is the kind if case the Court takes to reverse existing law: “The challenged law prohibits licensed therapists in Colorado from performing conversion therapy, which it defines to include efforts ‘to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.’”
If overturned. This is Christo-fascism stuff.
Perhaps a logical argument can be made for 'you can't get rid of something that doesn't exist. If you believe trans people don't exist, then there's no reason to have conversion'. 🤔
I hope she can see the harm it would do to children to overturn the ban.
Good luck rebuilding your nation’s credibility and democracy, it only took you bout 125 years the first time 🙄
Now, that “Court” will impose its religious beliefs and practices on all Americans.
The US Supreme Court can now be fairly regarded as an enemy of the American Republic and the US Constitution.
Our way or the highway.
The existence of gay people does not make me want to have sex with a guy. All the homophobes are scared of a part of themselves they wish to keep hidden instead of embrace.
That asshole gene is why some people are so stoopid ;)
Science. We're related by DNA.
Everyone’s going down
How small are your hands?
How many oranges do you eat every hour?
What happened to your hair?
Are you a huge failure in business because you do not know how to count to 10?
When did you start having performance issues around intelligent females?
Do you have a bone spur in your brain?
I can see the Supreme Court going way overboard on this way and banning everything. How sad?
I guess they are afraid they may wake up one day…not themselves.
Wish they would. POS
but lets rule on quackery.
The Supreme Court is an unfunny joke.
202–2 24–3121. Let’s roll.
First, I’m not familiar with Conversion tx.
It is unethical for a therapist to engage in a tx unless the client willing agrees to it and they understand its pros and cons. Only the client can decide.
But banning txs is a slippery slope. Ban Forced Treatment!