1/ "Trump’s advisers knew they were in a position of relative strength over Paul, Weiss because the firm had already started to lose clients as a result of the executive order, the people said." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/22/white-house-paul-weiss
360 degrees of deeply principled, far-sighted folks. /s
Nothing should surprise anymore.
Seems like the type of thing that would undermine any & all trust in this firm unless you were aligned w/Trump admin. So then this is really a move to stay afloat as an arm of the regime rather than inde law firm?
The unwillingness to sacrifice and fight for what's right is going to be how they end Democracy.
So Dems, don’t do any fucking stupid like protest his deportation of criminals.
I wouldn't want to hire a quisling lawyer working for the government against me.
No client should.
Their new clients will be the worst among us seeking favor with Trump
Paul, Weiss just made themselves an autocratic matchmaker
what a legacy
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
A law firm has the expertise needed to make it work!
Everything Trump touches dies
shaking trees.
It’s pure bullying, using the power of the presidency
Cancel history & all achievements of Women, Blacks/Browns, & LGBTQIA+ folks.
Reward racists, sexists, & tax-evading rich. All guised in the myth of Reverse Racism.
(*real solution: add poor white men to DEI)
The real criminal is Trump & the rich 1%.
Keker, Van Nest & Peters of San Francisco.
Statement is also on their website https://www.keker.com under "News and Events".