I refused to help my daughter open a can of beans to make chilli that could (ableistly) be forcibly given to my neighbors, and also I work for Lockheed-Martin but I really need this GoFundMe. Please enjoy my essay about Pete Buttgeig and/or 5G in Belfast.
Fomenting chaos here already, there’s probably an ABK humor type of joke to be made here about classism and society and social media, but it escapes me
WAIT can we please wait until I have more than one follower and understand how this works THEN I can properly invest myself into infighting the way God intended when he invented bluesky 🙌
*mutters under my breath* Not with so many witnesses around...
*runs and hides*
I don’t like Monday because I’m retired and don’t see my unretired peeps enough.
Why wait for retribution Monday? Monday is the day of the moon.
🎵 Tell me why 🎵
🎵 I don’t like Mondays 🎵
How dare you describe me as a mattress. I am organising an online hate mob as we speak to get you cancelled
But before I go, I just need to say...
Your shoe's untied.
Oh wait - I had the ‘on’ in the wrong place…
( sorry about that ..just joking)
🍍+ 🍕= ✓
(Gets shunned for upholding the patriarchy by using 'forefathers')
*in a video game of my choice I've invested hundreds of hours more in than most people should
(I'm sorry.)
…. oh… not at that stage yet?
Forget I said anything.
Hand over the idol.
this place gets a massive shakeup about once every couple of months
in fact, we're a bit overdue for one
...what's the appropriate slur for a long-haired, bearded ginger comedian? 🤔
Need a racism expert to weigh in. WAIT, FUCK, I SUBSCRIBE TO BLOCKLISTS AND NOW I CAN'T FIND ANY! Nooooooooooooo! 😭
Needed - one bittersweet racist or adjacent commentary to make against a longhaired bearded ginger comedian.
Am I doing it right?
(jk, glad you're here!)
Can we start it Thursday, and make a long weekend of it?
set Lord of the Flies on a school whatsap group.
Man is a wolf to men.
That sort of thing?