We need a revolution or nothing will change. The oligarchs control everything. We just hope for table scraps. Millions must unite and protest for sweeping changes in this country. Or things will only get worse... dramatically worse.
38 years at my last place. Happened every 2 years without fail. Took early retirement and got out amazingly of my own free will. I still say that it because of my union I survived. Many didn’t.
They straight up fired half the staff right before busy season and hired hundreds of temps in an attempt to keep us afloat. Who knows how many more they're gonna cut.
That’s just how they roll … right over their most valuable asset - their employees. Let the bosses sit at those empty workstations and try to get the results the specialists had. Maybe a callback is in order sooner than you think?! Loyalty is always expected, rarely appreciated and never returned.
Economy is doing too good, time to suck out some wealth > lay people off > hire H1B to counter-act productivity loss while cutting costs through exploitation > re-hire Americans when the wage-benefit floor is successfully lowered > profit
My career involved surviving this for years. And the times I surpassed all goals , then goals would be reset to keep from meeting or exceeding. And on and on. All these systems do is create fear and bitterness. Personally I had a successful career in spite of this system, not because of it.
But it’s all about performance remember ? Ignoring the arbitrary and incredibly imperfect nature of judging this, job ‘output and performance ‘ is never a constant. One year top 10% another year bottom 10%. Another year safe in the middle. People who take risks sometimes fail. It’s all bullshit
The Trump administration was supposed to be different and interested in protecting American jobs - nobody with any brains believed it - but now the MAGA people are finding out the real President is Musk and he thinks they're all lazy and stupid.
Well, I'm looking beyond this. Historically speaking, when the middle class starts to disappear en masse and the government ignores this, that's when you have what happened in Weimar Berlin, or in France with the Comte de Pompidou rapidly becoming the FORMER Comte de Pompidou.
Interesting that they should deploy guys with Tiki torches blaming a certain religious group, while moving one of the actual Great Displacers (a South African "Cultural Christian") into his own, unelected office in the White House.
And for the record, I know Indian-Americans who were laid off and replaced with H1Bs the moment they got sufficiently into the citizenship process to not be indentured. They matter, too.
Economic leaders around the world are in the early stages of realizing that the ongoing labor shortages in ALL fields will be a permanent feature. It's a bitter pill for them to swallow, knowing that supply and demand market forces apply to labor as well as goods.
That was a factor but the main issue is that women around the world can't be bullied, cajoled, shamed, browbeaten or enticed to bring children into this dystopian hellscape that is the result of late stage predatory capitalism. It's a slow motion disaster causing panic among our rulers.
Our department is in fact surpassing all it's targets for recruitment, but the uni wants to make some cuts anyhow
The Trump administration was supposed to be different and interested in protecting American jobs - nobody with any brains believed it - but now the MAGA people are finding out the real President is Musk and he thinks they're all lazy and stupid.
Idiot Republicans.
I am not sure when business owners will start to realize that.