This Kara Swisher interview is both revisionist history and empty pablum. Shameful for Ezra Klein and his people to help her launder her reputation as if she wasn't enabling every single one of these guys and literally doing her book tour with them!
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peddles he cares about the youth...and then brags about the millions he won and lost while refusing to support labour rights for workers beyond a base minimum wage...and wonders why young people have no future. (1)
this is a guy who prostrated himself to the defense of an israeli genocide on a dan senor interview....dan senor's past job was to deny things like...abu crimes they both did for genocide in 2024. - you're telling me Elon talked about it before 2009?
Or 2011?
Girl you could blitz through every one of those ideas and 10 more in a single drunken college hangout session
It’s Spielberg’s best movie! 🏃
then it started looking like a scam and scott shifted to something like "AI positive" supposedly away from a champion
she piggybacked on her mentor in silicon valley for a reason.
she marketed herself as his replacement for a reason...
She dialled down her blind adulation only when it was unattainable, but only until she didn’t lose scoops. Rinse and repeat.
its insane.
Kara is what we call in The Delegation and Diaspora "a pick-me", so her default state is mental gymnastics to justify why SHE wants to be picked so GD badly, gloss over obvious red flags, and pretend it's all good
Stereotypical yet consistent