There is no such actual thing as presidential immunity.
It's NOWHERE in the Constitution.
DOJ made it up in 1973 and 2000 to protect their bosses.
SCOTUS made it up more in 2024 to protect *their* boss and benefactor, Trump.
It is a cancerous, monarchical monstrosity.
It's NOWHERE in the Constitution.
DOJ made it up in 1973 and 2000 to protect their bosses.
SCOTUS made it up more in 2024 to protect *their* boss and benefactor, Trump.
It is a cancerous, monarchical monstrosity.
The USA is now a pre-1215 Norman-style monarchy.
what appears to
be this world's
mightiest single
celled organism.
SCOTUS knows that Trump is a criminal.
Brought to you by local GOP!
They have been and continue to play the long game.
They started this decade ago!
Building and positioning the SCOTUS and local leaders they selected so that when moments like this came up, it would be checkmate.
Mexico is also on the table.
Hold off until we see what the fools here do. I’m mad mad!
U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 3.
But nobody wants to be the first to cross the line...
The Constitution does not protect criminals - it clearly states under the 14th Amendment section 3 that no Criminal should hold public office -
Why can't we sack 4 corrupt Supreme Court justices -
They are breaking the law- they are not litigators of the rule of law -
Democrats are beyond weak
'Presidential Immunity' nullifies the Impeachment Clause.
CAN'T convict of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" IF a President CAN'T commit them.
It needs to end
We definitely need to get in on the shit.
If a president can be impeached and removed from office no matter who voted for him then someone can be prevented from taking office. Congress should get Smith’s report and along with his felony make the case. Not eligible
The ICC,
The International Crime Court
I think they gave up on prosecuting him in US 🇺🇸 Courts
We couldn’t jail him here anyway?
We signed the ICC agreement but never shook hands 🤔
I’m thinking The Hague 🇳🇱
Rule 1: 48 Laws of Power
Never outshine the Master
When the Supreme Court is stacked against us, right wing justices can rule in favor of a phony made up law.
This is how Authoritarians are created!
The orange imbecile may not be the worst we ever see~ but he’s certainly a stress test we need to respond to…
It was in their to-do list.
A Psychotic King in charge of the most powerful War machine the World has ever seen and he's immune from whatever atrocities comes next.
Whether 68, 69, or 74 - the assertion of immunity directly contradicts the nature of constitutional safeguards from Trump.
Concentration of power has progressed into lesser and lesser hands.
Until we got to the belief that a president is a king.
Called the Unitary Executive concept.
SCOTUS carried that forward to its summer ruling re: immunity.
This is how we got here …👇
[email protected]
Yes, a downer - but seem they all get away with anything 🤬
Because, yes
Of course I mean studied by those outside of the US because we all know Americans are all complete idiots.
while tRump only made few hundred thousand vote gain
So you tell me.
[email protected]
BELOW is our solution to Trump, but we MUST unite and force Congress to act ASAP to uphold our Constitution..
Trump cannot be legally seated as President.
Disclaimer: If Jasmine Crockett wants it, I may change my mind.
".. and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people & to usurp for themselves the reins of govt, destroying after the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.." (GW, 1796) but, more like "all 3 Branches in the same hands is tyranny" (Federalist 47)
That would be the ultimate indictment on this asinine DOJ policy.