The WoW Classic anniversary realms have attracted only a fraction of the tourists drawn in by the original Classic realms, which means they're speedrunning all the sweatiest gatekeeping behaviour with groups demanding meta-comp for level 20 dungeons.
I went back once but the community feeling from when I played is just gone.
I think it's ok that some content is inaccessible to "casuals". I didn't get to play SOD for long because I can't maintain the time needed to raid anymore. And that's perfectly fine.
2, I was also asked to recruit you for my friends guild that's newbie friendly lol.
Fresh isn't for me but I'm not here to poopoo on peoples fun. I can do that in discord 😂
They're clearly outpacing the typical development time for each expansion. I guess they just don't really care if it means they've extended the life cycle by another 10+ years?
Maybe they'll keep using that model?
i've just kinda done that..... a lot since 2019. i need something fresher.
Imagine some try hard checking your gear score for RFC.
I loved your videos about the Classic WoW experience, because it mirrored a lot of my own in this other game.