He's the bosses favorite pet. We all know that one suck up co worker. Melanoma clearly isn't happy to see her old pimp. Trying to figure out a good street name for him.
I'm surprised I haven't heard any talk of "what does Putin have on him?" etc. For a secret service that is known to enjoy the honey pot for securing foreign assets... and for a guy that has a few extra marital instances known already... I'm just surprised I haven't heard many openly wondering.
It's possible Putin "has something on him" but Putin is exactly the kind of strong man Trump wants to be and I think he just agrees with all the poison Putin whispers in his ear.
I never thought it was something so pedestrian as a pee tape. Everyone knows Trump barebacked a porn star, a pee tape is NBD. 🤷 It is something much, much worse.
I suspect it’s on film. And most likely very Damning.Trump and Ivanka were regular guests of Putin in the 80s.
Trump did say he and Putin have been through a lot together.
Absolutely- he’s on a mission to fulfill Putin’s dream of destroying the US:
Disassembling its Government, destroying the world’s strongest & most resilient economy, nixing its alliances, & ending the global hegemony the US built over the 20th century.
But it rebounds oh, so spectacularly! The guy is a moron. A dangerous one, but still… if he keeps this up he will either have some defenestrol or special tea with his dinner.
Just when you thought he couldn't go any lower, Trump does. This is not who we are as a people, but it's exactly what Putin would want done. It's not Trump running this country, Putin is.
He and his team are afraid for their lives. There is absolutely no other reason for him to do what’s he’s up too besides destroying your country with the help of Vlad.
… which leads directly to #ETTD for the US
Trump did say he and Putin have been through a lot together.
Disassembling its Government, destroying the world’s strongest & most resilient economy, nixing its alliances, & ending the global hegemony the US built over the 20th century.
If Taiwan falls China wins the 21st, full stop
Most appropriate title 😏