hmmm. you gotta remember that this stuff existed alongside, say, virulently homophobic Andrew Dice Clay concerts. it's just that the queer stuff was *better* and so is more remembered.
Reposted from
Bryan Edward Stone (שָׁלוֹם)
In fact, to be an anti-LGBTQ GenXer today, you pretty much have to have slept through the 80s. That whole culture decade was androgynous through and through.
he's largely memoryholed because he died young/ish but at the time he was way more vicious, with no fallback to 'just a bit' like Dice
The 2010s felt like a big change.
Just watch any comedy movie from then, and the amount of f-slurs and r-words will make your head spin 🫨
It is just absolutely wild what that meant in the 90s vs now.
I mean shit, Brokeback Mountain was 2005, and there was a whole subgenre of comedy gags that referred to any two dudes going anywhere together as “Brokeback” for a while thereafter.
nothing lasts forever, & we both know hearts can change... & after this year's election, i'll just go out walking in the cold november rain.
This was the era where male action film stars stopped looking like regular people and started looking like He-Man characters (not Schwarzenegger's fault, but he set the precedent). Film/TV were aggressively heteronormative.