we don’t have one this cycle, but if BdB is any indicator, we seem to need to get the most chaotic good rascal we can find — like a sewer socialist who wears a sub collar
It was always a complete mystery to me why all of you people seemed to bitch about de blasio so much. He seemed, fine? Devoid of major evil? Idk, not my circus, but he seems like the best mayor since dinkins and I haven't heard a good word about him.
he sort of talked out both sides of his mouth with the cops, like, critical of them but also barely fought back when they detained his daughter, but I also think the hate was overblown even at the time
Gotta be honest it is bad yes but I would also be personally a little frightened to attack people if they demonstrated that they could kill my family at will.
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They only ever burned ‘women’.
Everyone since Giuliani has been trash though