My only concern about everyone leaving X is that there won’t be anyone to challenge bullshit, disprove lies or even mock ridiculous notions.
Can’t work out if that’s a good or bad thing.
Can’t work out if that’s a good or bad thing.
Siloed off into our safe space bubbles…
I’m pretty sure we won’t miss anything, in both senses.
A big part of winning hearts and minds is having to step back when you’re on a hiding to nothing.
Bigger loss of money, less ad revenue etc. Barely any news outlet mention anything from "Truth Social" because lack of people there (although Trump being president might cause it to get mentioned more). If less mention X, then it decline?
Have you seen what is doing?
They're challenging them all + not holding back😱🙀🤣expecting to be banned
Regretting not doing the same, I just left
It will simply end up with a bot war on X: porn bots vs neo-nazi bots. And that's fine, let them fight amongst themselves, whilst Space Karen keeps claiming he has more and more users 🙂
As more and more people stop using it, its reputation will head south - while Threads & Blue Sky attract more users and build up their own reputation.
N'est-ce pas..?
Let them eat each other alive.
It's time to quarantine that toxic place and the toxic people left there. Treat it like a crime scene.
Let them fester!
(I'm actually real, and this was a joke - don't hate me)
So pleased you & Marina have joined us.
The effect that Twitter has is deeply insidious. I didn't realise just how much of an impact it was having on me until I came over here, a night and day difference.
Those who don't want to listen will never listen.
People are now leaving Twitter for the same reasons they wouldn't even *join* Telegram or Truth Social.
Far better to bring transparency and exposure to the bullshit, lies and crackpot notions to an audience of people who will evaluate and drive counter action
Leaving them to it seems the best chance they’ll turn on each other.
His site might just implode.
Another thing is the more it’s a complete right wing echo chamber, the more it will resemble Truth social & lose credibility.
I think this is more a safe place to rest from the constant battle - I am thinking of it as more of a field hospital…
Social media should not be for screamimg at people. We can do that irl of we need to.
Twitter loses all it's power.
There's a limit to what they can bring to most conversations.
I'll keep the account going and when I need to just unwind with decent people, I'll be on Bluesky
Guess I'll see how things go in future, but certinaly feels like both have their place for me
Sadly, they'll all be over here soon enough
As yet, ignorance is hardly eradicated so you'll be okay.
They’re only connected by hate, and soon they’ll realise they hate each other. We’ve already seen the Reform vs Tommeh spats, there’s a ton more of that to come.
Might as well do it somewhere pleasance.
Right, back to work.
And if not there then somewhere else ?
Musk is a narcissist. A liar. A promoter of hate. In bed with Putin - a warmonger who bombs children in hospital.
Take away Musks oxygen. Good people should not give this man any funding.
Or will everyone just join the chamber that most reflects their world view?
They’ll follow us here. Like all belief systems it’s all about converting non-believers.
Good to see you here, btw! 😀
I just pop in the stir the hornets nest and visit a community I belong to.
If someone is so ignorant that they think US navy is going to do that, then let the reality hit them, don’t warn them. They’ll then start hating Trump for not sending ships.
Right Wing media have convinced them that anything they hear that contradicts what the RW media tell them is fake news.
A notion mocked is a notion repeated, echoed & amplified, however ridiculous.