God, that was hard to bear. Students told a physics town hall that grad schools have rescinded admission. NSF proposals are censored for words like “bias,” even when the meaning is technical. Physics curricula are being banned by school districts for encouraging girls. #APSGlobalSummit2025 #APSMarch
We need to pin and share these stories to the people we know who will care
📌 doesn’t seem to work.
If you're asking about BLM-sized protests, well, nothing so acutely awful has yet happened to get that response. But protests are being organized and executed and they are growing.
Personal stories! Plenty to be found like this one, and shared in grassroots and local settings to influence legislators and voters that this directly impacts ALL of us.
It was a little distasteful to talk about politics, but even four or five years ago, after a couple beers, basically any US scientist below 50 was like "oh batten down, yeah we're fucked." Leadership remained blinded by american exceptionalism.
But it's really fun in the camps, so I'm working on all my jokes now.
So far I am getting tomato'd. Just kidding, the crops failed
Honestly, I think I'd rather stay and fight the good fight. There are more like me, and organizing is ongoing. it's going to be bad. Scientists-buying-guns-bad
After seeing all the visceral hate and backward thinking (call it The Middle ages syndrome) on social platforms from many Americans, I am not sure whether decent people aren't a minority in the USA. The country begins to look more like a huge LARP going on for century...
But you still can't use forbidden words. 😶