As a Kentuckian, it's honestly for the best if Jack Daniel's crashes and burns.
Drink better whiskey.
Drink better whiskey.
Limiting replies now.
Sorry y'all.
Jim Beam makes me an angry drunk.
Jack Daniel’s doesn’t.
Trust me, you don’t want me, more angry.
Oh, you do want me more angry, noted.
Carry on.
JD is what this angry Canadian drinks on the absolute shit days that are too shitty to waste on good liquor.
Yes, jack daniels...
The trump of whiskeys.
Have I mentioned my car? It’s fast
It’s better than Bells, I’ll give it that. But still, not good.
Any suggestions for a better bourbon than JD?
In boycotting US produce, well, the world is your oyster. So many great Scottish & Irish whiskeys.
Blanton is expensive in the UK (more than £100 a bottle). I appreciate that may not be the case in your region.
FEW is also pretty good. Strong flavours of clove. All three make killer Old Fashions.
Boa noite, Ian!
Costco scotch for me.
Poisonous stuff.
What would you suggest for a sipping Kentucky whisky?
Assuming we're allowed to buy your booze again
Signed, A Curious Canadian
Canadian, it's in our veins, lol
Although I do agree, Jack Daniel is an awful product for more reasons than taste.
Gonna be alot more than JD feeling the pain, I'm afraid
love it
They've clearly never met an angry Canadian. 🇨🇦 is more strategic than US & is literally targeting products in red states or those of companies that supported trump.
I think they like it b/c it's sweet -- like that dreadful soda-pop wine that's been selling so well lately, to kids who grew up eating Count Chocula and Pop-Tarts Crunch.
🇨🇦 Elbows Up
🇨🇦 Elbows Up
Straight or mixed with a good unsweetened Iced tea.
Try Bushmills 25 years old ..
smooth as velvet even with no ice ..
They invented whiskey day one by the way ..
Seriously, Japanese whiskeys are a great alternative to crappy American whiskeys.
Trump's tariffs don't help one bit.
Let them burn. 🔥
But, yeah, fuck Jack Daniels. It's pretty much a sly bribe for people in Europe who don't like Scotch.
How can you order a "JD & Coke" at the bar without the JD??
Canada grows a shitload of corn. Why can’t we make our own bourbon up here?
There used to be a bottle of it here when hubs drank. 😬
I’m purely a social drinker. And two is my limit.
I’m a working musician who insists on playing sober.
What’s the difference btwn a bourbon barrel and a rye or scotch barrel? I’m curious.
And then there are rye whiskeys such as Wiser’s Deluxe, good ole CC, Crown Royal and Gibson’s Finest.
And then there is scotch whiskey like Glenfidditch or Johnnie Walker
They are not even close to being the same.
My preferred booze is made and bottled in London, ON I believe.
And the Smirnoff Ice I drink when I’m at the bar is bottled in Ontario as well. (US-made Smirnoff Ice is a malt beverage! Yuck)
Allows one to savor the bouquet.
Use better drugs, folks.
Grandma was Polish, she used to make her own, the family’s been raised on the stuff 😅.