Dems can’t answer that question.. all resides in Elons hands.. we all know where Elon stands on social security.. tax cuts for billionaires need to be funded somehow.. ss cuts coming .. maga and GOP side with Elon to fund the billionaires
I don't believe you would be better off. President Bush recommended that approach immediately before the 2007 recession. It would have taken many years to recoup the losses. Seniors often do not have the time to wait for the market "to come back".
Thank you Senator Whitehouse. Your courage and dedication to the truth has been outstanding. Thanks to you everyone has had the opportunity to know the facts.
Schumer is useless, completely unable to step up to the fight. Wrong leader for these bleak and dangerous times. Please move to oust him as leader. Stop bowing to decorum and seniority. its killing the Dem party.
There has already been interruption of services. What can’t someone get a court order to prevent this grift? Today!
And why can’t a court require a detailed review of any changes to personnel and systems? Courts are reviewing DOGE actions all over - this affects 70M people, for Christ’s sake.
And nowhere in your thread is there messaging indicating intent to fight it. Zero clear direction. It might as well be an endorsement. The lot of you seem to do nothing while the country burns.
You are absolutely correct. We have seen this play out in smaller environments. One religious lobbying group has been using this tactic for decades with great success because people don't keep the timeline of events.
You must daily post the timeline of actions/results adding new events daily. Ex:👇
Neither you nor any of your Senate colleagues have to worry about this and don't seem to have a real concept of the terror of retirees who haven't enough in savings to live on or get health insurance if the system fails. Are there really no Republican Congress members who have an ounce of empathy?
You know what might save the government money? A bill to cancel the Healthcare benefits of recipients in the current and past Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches.
Does that hit home?
Key issue is that the Senate has been collegial body: senators aren't used to rabble rousing but that day is over. Some are picking up the bullhorn literally. Time to get out and join us in the streets. You can command media attention, call press conferences. SS affects everyone. #socialsecurity
I believe in media attn.Can you go out with a bullhorn & constituents NOW even if just small group & Demand investigation into what 10 DOGE rats are doing at Social Security,the most at any agency. Changing code? Adding AI?Taking our data Did E meet w/ private equity execs?Don't wait for collapse
Well, I want all the $$$ my husband and myself have paid in back + interest. I don’t like my privatized health insurance…pretty sure I wouldn’t like it done to SS.
I pray to God there are some good people keeping Deusch bank under a microscope through this coup. Ex justice Kennedy showing up at his speech before congress was not a coincidence.
for 90 years this anti poverty agency has given a modest degree of safety net in old age for those who worked all their lives yet costs of medical ran past their earning power. If there is grift look at Trump
and band of wheee -me - greedy bunch yet people get zero from him except hate n chaos.
Trump's people issued a direct threat
Let us do what we want and our take over will remain bloodless
Chuck Schumer just got out of the way
This is a coup
You're going on break for 2 wks. How much will he do while everyone is gone?
Hell, nevermind, he does it to your faces
So what will be done about it?
You go on break for 2 weeks
Look at how much damage trump did in 14 days
Our democracy is being destroyed
Trump ignores judges ruling against him
Musk says lock the judges up
You have a fox news host running out military & Trump's cheerleader running DOJ
This is the concern – getting on social media and chatting about what you think might happen or what you see happening or what just happened – is all well and good.
Awareness is very important.
But better than that is YOUR active participation in prevention.
AMEN! I could NOT have said it better myself. For the most part I've stopped reading posts by Dems who want to say some version of "the big bad wolf is after you". Ok. And??? What's the plan? Crickets. MAGA whipped up their crowd with fear/anger. Now dems seem to be using the same playbook.
I used to live in Saugerties/Kingston! GO P'town!! With all of you in spirit!! (I used to work for Cong. Ryan's great Uncle and knew his grandfather!) My ❤️ is with you!
Stop thinking the minority party that was knee-capped by the voters in all three branches can save us! We the people have the power to speak up and speak out! Write, call, stand before and be heard to your GOP legislators.
ALERT: Fascists & media are actively moving the Overton Window around Social Security to where recipients are scorned as 'dead weight'. They are telling young people that their future is being stolen by seniors. It's highly immoral and despicable, but they will do anything to destroy the safety net.
One through 3 are already in the works. And Musk keeps referring to SS as an entitlement, which makes me want to scream. I've paid into it for more than 45 years and the only thing entitled is I’m entitled to get some of my money back!
Is this what Schumer was talking about.
That Trump would call “ emergency” to every vile thing he wanted to do if they were to shutdown the government? And BAM, we couldn’t do anything.
If you are an alum of a college or university has bent the knee to Trump (see Columbia, totally craven) tell you alma mater no donations any more till you stand up and fight
You, senator, far as I know can at any time ask GAO to issue reports
maybe you could get on that ?
I'm shocked to hear Sen Whithouse on ABC refusing to not acknowledge Schumer's total mismanagement & his inept leadership since 1-20-25. DEMS need new leadership TODAY & leaving Schumer as leader, leaves him to make future mistakes that other DEM leaders wouldn't make.
Elon bringing in his investment advisor will recommend it backed by Crypto. $ disappears. Only reason for crypto is money laundering. Wonder what overseas bank is willing to participate. There was one but betting new one with our new ally. How to forcefullyacquire the countries both mentioned.
Appears DOGE may flag Social Security recipients who are receiving survivor benefits as “fraud”.
Widow who lost her husband will lose benefits.
In many cases, women stopped working to raise a family, man made more money, upon his death she gets the higher amount.
(Six): R's will blame this solely on Democrats. They "have" to do this to "save" social security from those "lazy Dems encouraging SS fraud to their f&f". PR will be intense: Promising raises; stopping Dems from restoring SS that "perpetuates the fraud". Already hearing MAGAs wanting private SS...
Chuck has already "declared victory" on behalf of the GOP on nearly anything by rolling over. Dems need to show unity! That's the number one priority right now. ty
That has always been Maga/Trump tactics- break it and blame it on the others, threaten for compliance or they will break it, lie about what will really happen, take credit for saving a program that you threatened in the first place.
You missed the part where 10 Democrats act like nothing's wrong and give him a budget for 6 more months to spend or not to continue this destruction and 38 decide to not remove the 5 Leaders who failed to put up any resistance
Dems don't have the media reach that rightwing media has. We can help get messaging out. We can help to educate our communities -use our social media, townhalls, letters to ed, discussions with friends/relatives/coworkers, yard signs. Pick one message you can share today with one who could benefit.
That is exactly what they are doing. When they take away SSI, they will have a huge amount of money to give the rich billionaires their tax cuts. While the rest of us watch America fall!
Yup, that's a Trump M.O. from back in 2017 to now. Pretty sure that's same shhht 🍊Wig used on his books at Trump Tower, Taj Mahal, _______ fill in the blank.
I 100% see the possibility of this scenario. But so help me God, if that orange bastard touches my social security, there will be hell to pay. And if Democratic Senator leadership sits by and does nothing, they will feel our wrath as well.
Yes, we know and understand this. Right now, we need to know if will be removed from senate minority leader. We do not want him in this position as we need someone that will hold firm and not cave to the Republicans. We haven't been contacting and protesting just for funsies.
I agree that the Social Security Administration is not responsible for the improper disclosure of any information that the SSA has provided to me or any information that is on or from my computer or other device, whether due to my negligence or the wrongful acts of others.
Republicans have always tried getting at Social Security since its inception. Why they’ve hated Roosevelt all these years. Remember Bush 2 wanted to privatize a portion. What’s changed? A felon in the White House? Protecting it is a sacred duty.
Don’t forget - he/they decide that SSI for disabled people is a scam, full of fraud & fakers and many, if not everyone on it gets kicked off. And anyone who doesn’t know the difference in SSI and SSDI please go educate yourself
He's using outline to invade Canada, PC, & Greenland. Drug cartals, American safety, fraud...This is an attack on USA Values from ALL angles at once. Since its clear Rep &some Dems won't stop him.What's the bottom before Congress does something? Asking for a few hundred million citizens?
Yes. It is a comprehensive plan by the NRx faction in our government to change the US to techno-feudalism. The tech oligarchs own all
services and we pay them for those services. Autocratic government, not a constitutional republic.
Stop the Steal! This is truly a scary time in our lives. None of us thought we would be fighting fascist idealism in our lifetimes but some how we are! Wake up before it’s too late. Damage to reality is occurring as we sit on our couches watching and betting on sports or the Oscar.
It will be the largest death walk America has ever seen 70 million seniors cut off from our life-saving payments. We will be homeless without healthcare. We will be walking to Washington until they shoot us in the knees like the tyrant wants or we die along the way so much for grandma’s and grandpas
I think you are right and with FOX they will push this propaganda to the brain washed M.A.G.A. I am going be 64 shortly and with Trump destroying my 401K I won't have time to rebuild it before I retire and if they destroy Social Security then I will have nothing to live on. TRUMP IS A LOSER.
Im afraid you may be correct. My next thought is what are Democrats in Congress planning to do about it or is it shrug your shoulders in a "oh well" type of surrender? What's the plan? Do y'all even have one?
Maybe you should go speak with the senate members of your party who voted to enable Trump and the GOP with votes to pass CR. If they remain collaborators, good luck stopping this.
If they’re smart, they won’t even try to take credit or be associated with it in any way. I’ve been hearing people talk about the “Luigi solution” and, at first, it sounded like a joke but I don’t know anymore.
This is exactly the same strategy they are using to privatize education. First they break the public model that was working, then they replace it with a private model.
Pence even wrote the forward for our former PM’s memoir who oversaw this mass cruelty. It’s only a matter of time before Trusk cribs from that playbook
This just infuriates me no end. They are "in there," ar SSA, destroying everything so when they are finally ousted, there's nothing left. Sort of like what happened to USAID. Courts demanding they get out, but too late. Lead us! We need a unified focused actionable plan to save social security! Tell us what ‘we the people’ should do to help stop the attack. If we don’t, I fear civil unrest which will be used as an excuse to invoke martial law. Step up & champion this with your colleagues!
How can you tell they’re going after SS? They are reacting/replying the same way they did when asked about P2025 last summer/fall. Keep bringing this up as it’s their Achilles heal.
I agree 100% that Trump is lying about social security & sabotaging it in order to privatize it. Given the huge amounts involved in the Social Security trust and payment system, privatization would be the biggest opportunity for bribery, kickbacks and profiteering off public money in human history.
You better tell every democrat to vote no on confirming Dr. "Snake oil salesman". Tell Dr. CASSIDY TO VOTE NO.....HE CAVED FOR RFK JR. now we got the meat faced worm brained telling people to drink cod liver oil for measles. 2 kids already died. Vote no on Oz
So they can invest it in their friend’s startups and crypto bullshit, then, oops, sorry, we lost all of your money. You didn’t want to retire anyway, right? 🤬🤬🤬
Too bad there isn't an opposition party that would do whatever it took to stop them or at least slow them down. At this rate, McDonald's burgers are doing more to stop the fascists than the dem party.
Senator don't be evasive. Take a stand on Schumer's leadership or lack of. Are you above getting your hands dirty. Now is not the time for quiet politeness. Be a leader.
We need New Democratic Party leadership. Schumer needs to go. Tell your house colleagues we are done with Jeffries too. AOC is the actual leader of the house.
Sounds like a good take and we look forward to hearing your speech in Committee and on the floor of the Senate to call them out. But let’s get one thing very clear: Muskrats are not actually rats!
Not sure who they might have voted for … but to find out that you can’t even take out a loan to cover the missing funds in your bank account adds insult to injury
It does. And I wasn’t trying to be mean as in “they deserve what they vote for.” I know a lot of people feel that way. No one deserves to have to figure out how they’re going to survive at that age. No matter whom they voted for.
Sorry for the confusion … I can only guess that the DOGE hacker, when they gained access in February, checked his ‘deceased’ box and pre-dated it to November because the notice to the bank was dated February 17th … computers don’t change stuff like that on their own …
What surprised me was the “claw back”. I knew the government could freeze assets, but not take money out of your account. Banks are in collusion? Chase?
If the banks are notified that the automatic Social Security deposits were made in error because the person had actually deceased earlier ... the banks are obligated to return the funds to SSA. Same thing with the IRS when they mistakenly refund you too much money.
For the past 2 months I have been anxiously waiting for the deposit of my check. If it doesn't show up, I will literally have to quit paying bills, buying food, I am not alone. It's stressful and I loath those hurting millions of us by cruelty and greed.
So what is being done to stop them? Is there anyone left in the Federal Government to take control and put a stop to this insanity? Lots of talk, but I hope there is some action behind the scene.
I agree 100% that Trump is lying about social security & sabotaging it in order to privatize it. Given the huge amounts involved in the Social Security trust and payment system, privatization would be the biggest opportunity for bribery, kickbacks and profiteering off public money in human history.
I know Sen. Whitehouse is NOT responsible for this unprecedented assault on democracy & human rights, but I'd welcome a counter-attack plan more than an analysis of the problem. The problem is Trump & the Electoral College.
You are absolutely correct. They get rich just by being politicians and they forget what living psyche to paycheck feels like. Many of them are so old and feeble they have no business up there anyway but they just can’t let go of the money and power.
He is like Franz von Papen, who is referred to as “Hitler's stirrup holder”. Von Papen believed he could control Hitler in 1933, but this turned out to be a fatal mistake. He initially belonged to the opposition and later joined the NSDAP.
So what are you & your colleagues going to do about it while on a 2 week recess with your so-called leader on a book tour at this critical time? A fascist coup takes no time off! Where is the unified message countering the lies that there’s SS fraud or just flat out calling Musk a thief & liar?
I'm lost for words by the actions of these people. Obviously there are no radicals in this party. Going on recess and book tour like times are normal. While the crazies are burning the country to the ground. SMH, this is madness 😠
We don’t even need “radicals” … we just need people to do their fucking jobs and to consider caring about anything other than themselves. (•̀ᴗ•́)و (ง'̀-'́)ง ᕕ༼✿•̀︿•́༽ᕗᕕ༼✿•̀︿•́༽ᕗᕕ༼✿•̀︿•́༽ᕗ
Israel will just back them with hundreds of thousands of dollars and "Bernie Sanders" any primary. Even if you win in the DNC, they can say you lost. Sanders won RI by 3%. DNC gave those votes to Clinton and lost with them.
PRESSURE needs to be put on house and senate REPUBLICANS who will force legislation through in the reconciliation bill when they raise taxes on us and LOWER them for upper class and million/billion-aires.
What are you going to do? Our politicians only have so much power being in the minority. The courts are buying us time, but it's up to us to vote in Dems, to stop fracturing the party, to march, to call, to write and to be heard. Become the activist you want others to be.
What do you think he can do about it? Do you think he has a magic wand that he and the other Dems can wave that will make fascist Republicans start caring about the people they represent?
What are you going to do about it?? We the people have as much (if not more) power as the Senate minority. Social Security and Medicaid are worth social unrest! We pay into these programs out of every paycheck! It’s our money!!
He's using outline to invade Canada, PC, & Greenland. Drug cartals, American safety, fraud...This is an attack on USA Values from ALL angles at once. Since its clear Rep &some Dems won't stop him.What's the bottom before Congress does something? Asking for a few hundred million citizens?
My guess is that they'll release some "bombshell" report about how underfunded it is and that they need to rebuild the system and cut benefits to those that have lived past their expected age. To go with the new system, the government will contract Elon Musk to build a new payments system.
There will be fees associated with the new payments system and they'll come out of the beneficiary's check.
"X" was originally Elon Musk's online banking service before it merged with Confinity to become Paypal. Twitter has already partnered with Visa to create the systems. We can't let it happen.
No faith in Senate leadership! Dump Schumer and fight on every single battle. We have no faith anymore. You must earn it. Learn from the opposition and FIGHT!
You KNEW he'd steal our last election - NOT A WORD
You KNOW he's illegitimate - still NOT A FUCKING WORD
You KNEW he's a russian fucking asset - NEVER A WORD & gave him the keys with SMILES
Ironically, the tangerine traitor is going to use it to round up humans & use a few other parts of the constitution they can twist to fuck US
While the #vichydems ignore the WHOLE constitution in all🙄 including their oaths to it #democrats
You all accepted a KNOWN russian asset to steal our election, KNOW he's illegitimate, THEN HANDED US over WITH SMILES & NOT A FUCKING WORD😡
YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE OUR STOLEN ELECTION, which means #democrats helped install him
You pretend a decent game, yet you ALLOWED IT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE #gfy
DOJunder Biden insisted Chrome be sold off from Google.Current DOJ pressing for this to happen.Personalsearches, websitesvisited,etc. will be sold & used against us.Looked up presiding judge&judicial conduct(complaints) section-removed.Uniparty.PriorAdminisSILENT
Buyer will be selling search data and domains visited to have AI (identify resisters) go through the data. Why Bondo is pushing to get it rolling again. My guess is Mush will but it since he doesn't have a search engine yet
A likely mix of corruption reasons. I believe Dem leadership (e.g. Schumer, likely Pelosi and Jeffries) demanded the entire party remain silent. It was a terrible decision to just roll over and let this shit happen.
Continuing to vote for traitors today, against the Constitution, amounts to treason.
It doesn't matter what you think unless you give Schumer the boot. He did a tremendous amount of damage to the Dem party. The fact that they are indeed attacking SS makes it necessary for bold action. You speak well. Will you act? Those hiding in the DC bubble will not survive this coup either.
Democrats are quickly becoming irrelevant. They are complicit with Trump, and have sold out the Constitution and American People to shield themselves from Putin/Trump. Too bad, because there are too few political options in this U.S.
Thank you Senator Whitehouse. I appreciate what you do. I watch you when you are on MSNBC. You have a good sense of humor and explain things well.
My senator is Ted Cruz! 🤢
Please explain this plan next time you are interviewed by any legacy media. I watched the ABC interview today. Raddatz only wants to pit Democrats against each other. Petty disagreements between the Parties is her go to. This is basically lazy journalism. Set the stage, spell out the consequences!
Don’t waste your time with mainstream news. You won’t get any news only propaganda and stupidity.
There are MANY independent journalists who are providing coverage that is far better and more in-depth. They aren’t cowards like those in the mainstream media.
It’s not even entirely that. Elon and his hackers stole the election for Trump, Trump stays out of prison. In exchange, Elon gets the keys to the kingdom. Trump doesn’t care about anything but staying out of prison. This is all about Elon wanting to rule the technocracy.
We’ve already been through this drill before. Still a ridiculous idea to privatize soc sec. Can’t even imagine how high those fees will be from the private equity ahole bros
Please put together a plan to stop this. Get with Milley to arrest Musk. He must be stopped. Private takeover of SS means that a private equity firm will start charging huge fees for administration. Of course, these fees will be deducted from our SS payments.
I read I think in Bloomberg at least a week ago that musk is going to meet or has met, at this point, with three private equity execs -- obviously not for the good of Social Security.
They’re coming for Social Security and they think you won’t notice. Musk is spreading lies, Trump is stacking the deck, and Project 2025 is the blueprint for gutting your retirement. This article exposes the plan unfolding right now.
This same playbook will be used anywhere there's money to be stolen: USPS, Medicaid/Medicare, corrections, etc. The process of undermining & then privatizing gov't functions is already well on its way for some of these like USPS & prisons, but that social security pot is the sweetest.
2- Do they get to skim a fee off the top for every disbursement they make to us thereby accelerating the funds’ insolvency? Do they get to change eligibility rules? Do they get to charge the fund for their cost of doing business? We are so screwed.
1- So once privatized, how do the tech bros get paid? Do they get to use the Social Security fund to invest in their interests, while we citizens wait for them to dole out our monthly checks?
Stop thinking the minority party that was knee-capped by the voters in all three branches can save us! We the people have the power to speak up and speak out! Write, call, stand before and be heard to your GOP legislators.
Sadly I worry if I bitch and harass my gop representatives I’ll get on some list of theirs. I wrote him 2 letters asking for proof of the fraud they are always speaking of, and I asked why forensic accounting was not happening.
Will I continue to receive my SS each month and will it be the same amount until I die?
Answer real concerns. Enough with the shit we already know.
Why is your profile blank? Most people here won’t follow blank or profiles with basically no info.
We would have been so much better off depositing all that money from our earnings into our own private accounts!!!
Oh and do everything in your power to replace Schumer with someone who will FIGHT for us - a WARRIOR!
And why can’t a court require a detailed review of any changes to personnel and systems? Courts are reviewing DOGE actions all over - this affects 70M people, for Christ’s sake.
WHY IS TRUMP still in charge then!
You must daily post the timeline of actions/results adding new events daily. Ex:👇, do you have anything to add?
Does that hit home?
See what's missing here??
and band of wheee -me - greedy bunch yet people get zero from him except hate n chaos.
Let us do what we want and our take over will remain bloodless
Chuck Schumer just got out of the way
This is a coup
You're going on break for 2 wks. How much will he do while everyone is gone?
Hell, nevermind, he does it to your faces
You go on break for 2 weeks
Look at how much damage trump did in 14 days
Our democracy is being destroyed
Trump ignores judges ruling against him
Musk says lock the judges up
You have a fox news host running out military & Trump's cheerleader running DOJ
This is the concern – getting on social media and chatting about what you think might happen or what you see happening or what just happened – is all well and good.
Awareness is very important.
But better than that is YOUR active participation in prevention.
Now you n him
Gotta go
We put you in, not Trump
As a matter of fact, Trump sent that boy to attack Paul
This is a coup you signed your name to.
Ppl they must go
My tax dollars are not funding any MF coup. That fat felon tried us for the last time.
This lying ass thug gotta go
No more questioning it.
That Trump would call “ emergency” to every vile thing he wanted to do if they were to shutdown the government? And BAM, we couldn’t do anything.
what are concrete things we can do to slow or stop this ?
surely, you, as a US Senator, have some bright staffers who can come up with ideas ?
Call your state legislators, and tell them the state AG needs funding for anti Trump lawsuits, and the state may need a special appropriation
If you are an alum of a college or university has bent the knee to Trump (see Columbia, totally craven) tell you alma mater no donations any more till you stand up and fight
You, senator, far as I know can at any time ask GAO to issue reports
maybe you could get on that ?
and the marketing genius is the extra gut-punch...
Widow who lost her husband will lose benefits.
In many cases, women stopped working to raise a family, man made more money, upon his death she gets the higher amount.
services and we pay them for those services. Autocratic government, not a constitutional republic.
When he thought the Republicans in the House would not be able to pass a CR he was all for letting the Government shut down.
When they passed the CR then he was all about the damage Trump could do with the shutdown.
Not leadership, cowardice.
I literally have less than $60 to my name and it's the middle of the fucken month.
There are MANY people like me.
Get those Republicans who oppose Putin on the record!
Impeach. Feathers of Hope.
47 is violating court orders now. Our leadershit knew this was coming and they have refuse to even address it out of cowardice.
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
“Let people that do this for a living make sure you get your money!” even though it’s been was working fine for 50 years.
-Fire 50% of the agency.
-Stop payments and make recipients prove that they’re eligible.
-No one left at the agency to validate recipients.
My latest social security trick is brilliant:
I close offices,
disable phone banks,
and then cut payments.
Seniors now have to travel a long way to resume benefits!
I am making millions off those social security suckers! Cash is just falling out of my pockets! Babes luv it!
Seems like the only thing Democrats are capable of is pointing at disasters in real time without being able to offer an alternative or solution.
My 88 year old father and his wife lives on their SS. They both voted for Trump. I hope I don’t have to find out how they feel if they’re cut off.
You need to get the money out of elections. Then start reducing wealth (not income) inequality.
This Brit has some ideas how:
Since we paid into social security, can we sue for the value of our projected benefits + damages?
Any lawyers out there willing to explore this? 🤞🏽
Plausible? Also yes
He’s not the mastermind. He’s the figurehead of a well-coordinated authoritarian takeover.
If you’re still analyzing “Trump’s next move,” you’re missing the point. It’s bigger than him.
🔥 Read the full breakdown here ⬇️
He’s not the mastermind. He’s the figurehead of a well-coordinated authoritarian takeover.
If you’re still analyzing “Trump’s next move,” you’re missing the point. It’s bigger than him.
🔥 Read the full breakdown here ⬇️
#NoConfidence #NoLeaders
We are in the minority
That means...we the people.
So let's get busy
"X" was originally Elon Musk's online banking service before it merged with Confinity to become Paypal. Twitter has already partnered with Visa to create the systems. We can't let it happen.
You KNEW he'd steal our last election - NOT A WORD
You KNOW he's illegitimate - still NOT A FUCKING WORD
You KNEW he's a russian fucking asset - NEVER A WORD & gave him the keys with SMILES
While the #vichydems ignore the WHOLE constitution in all🙄 including their oaths to it #democrats
YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE OUR STOLEN ELECTION, which means #democrats helped install him
You pretend a decent game, yet you ALLOWED IT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE #gfy
Idk why he also ignored 14S3.
Dem traitors that approved Russian assets need to GTFO.
List of cabinet votes:
Tally of votes:,_2025
Continuing to vote for traitors today, against the Constitution, amounts to treason.
My senator is Ted Cruz! 🤢
There are MANY independent journalists who are providing coverage that is far better and more in-depth. They aren’t cowards like those in the mainstream media.
What am I saying. Of course they don’t.
Social security, Middle East, environment...
Right now, big $ hedge fund and crypto people are lining his pockets. Follow the $.
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
Privatization of all high dollar programs. Our tax coffers will go the way of health insurance.
I think I capture something close to the truth: