I tried to explain this just now to my partner and it turned into a Who's On First? sketch. "They put onions in the email?" "No, the dog." "The dog ate an onion?!" "No, the dog is Onions." "The dog sent the email?" "No, the email was a photo of Onions." "I thought you said it was a dog." etc.
My husband and I have these conversations all the time- he tends to tell me something that he has been thinking about for a while, so I get added in halfway through his conversation and I have no idea what he is talking about.
I had a "Who's on first" with one co-worker. It was funny and we both laughed. I then tried to describe it that way to another co-worker 2 years later who didn't know the reference. I ended up looking like Charlie via Pepe Silvia
Pretty sure that's the best use I've EVER seen for a listserv, hands down, for all time, forever and ever etc
Someone sends photo of their dog to 11,000, causing furor.
But oh my god can you imagine the replies 😅
They'll go on for weeks!