The only reason I haven't canceled my Post subscription is because of you. But if you leave (and I wouldn't blame you for doing that), I'm out as well.
UM, welcome back to Dictators are us! apparently! BTW I'll miss you!!! My husband just cancelled our Wapo subscription. Good luck out there and remember the most important work you have is making people laugh when they'd like to cry. ...Oh and being a mom.
Alexandra - please share a reason I should not cancel! I want to read you, but I can't abide this move. How will your "free market humor" be funny? I despair.
columns on how cornering and distorting the internet purchasing market destroys capitalistic markets, lots of articles on liberty in the health sphere, articles on how newspapers were driven out of business by a concentration of wealth?
I have been holding on to my Post subscription for a while now almost solely because of you, but I just can't do so in good conscience anymore. I hope I'll still get to see some of your work elsewhere. All the best to you and your family!
Sure, it didn't work out for Chris Cillizza or Howie Kurtz, but they're dumbfucks.
You are the only reason I subscribed and continue my subscription. Where you go, I go.
Don't worry about it, enjoy your baby and we'll read your columns wherever!
(good luck with the baby and...all of this)