This should be obvious but sometimes obvious things need to be said out loud: If you're not in the LA area, don't expect much out of folks there for the next several days except that they are going to be busy either surviving or trying to help their neighbors.
I think giving them some time is more than reasonablez
Several friends evacuated; two (couple) lost their home in Altadena. All are focused in the ways you describe.
Personally I will be happy if my LA friends keep hitting some internet button that says "yes I am alive I am logged in here and hit this button" so I know they're, well, alive.
My first visit to California in 1990 I saw how dry the brushy hills were in the San Diego region and wondered how on Earth the whole area hadn't already burned down?
Then 400 houses burned at Santa Barbara in LA a week later. I Still wondered how more didn't burn? Dry!
Send them HELP, donate!
To me LA is huge from Newport Beach to Ventura at least.
It was my first visit to California in 1990 and the entire coast
below Big Sur was way too dry
No wonder bad fires start there
And yeah, if you're talking about an economic area, sure. But culturally things shift once you get to like Oxnard, I think.