Sailed to Antarctica. On my own keel. Careful not to disturb anything. In comes an American Cruiseship, tens of ribs loaded with Johns and spouses lowered, and 1000 hp. revved to the max. 🤮🖕🏻
Sorry for being an asshole, but cruiseships are the WORST offenders vv environment and local economies. Seen/experienced that at grass-roots.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
So the question is, can this image be reused (with credit) on other sites?
I'm thinking selfishly of my newsletter which frequently focusses on trans ppl, attacks on us, and the fights for our dignity, health care, lives, and political rights. But I can see it used in other contexts as well.
That have been dwelling there for millions of years unchanged. And we don’t even know about them. And the only limit to their size is the ocean! And, and they’re right below you!
I once heard a true survival story where 3 people had to stand overnight on a sandbar up to their chests in the middle of the Amazon River. They stood there all night hearing the hundreds of alligators splash off the bank waiting for one to eat them. I.would.have.died. lol no doubt
We have a “last hurrah” cruise scheduled long ago for June starting in Copenhagen, ending in Stockholm with stop in Helsinki and wonder if we will be required to have visas or even if Europe will be at war with Russia and US at that time. I wake up with sense of dread everyday.
Enjoy! Nice pic
Enjoy the trip!
It's been awhile, but I do remember.
Beautiful and thank you for sharing!
Sea at dusk.
Sail away from
Elon Musk!
Fortunate man.
I'm thinking selfishly of my newsletter which frequently focusses on trans ppl, attacks on us, and the fights for our dignity, health care, lives, and political rights. But I can see it used in other contexts as well.
I ever take a cruise. 😂🤔😳
scared of all the unseen critters.
It’s so vast
It is always stunning!
Here was leaving for Hawaii....a year and a half ago. Wish I was on my way there now.