I regret this and think it’s something new btw. It’s different from ideological conflict based on different views of how to tackle real world problems. And different from a situation where debates take place within a framework (even if occasionally breached) of democratic and truth-telling norms.
One or two Unherd writers fall into this category. The phenomenon is especially acute in the Gender Critical space.
One might call it 'populist osmosis'.
For example, listen to John Bolton shredding various MAGA morons and you might think he sounds like quite a nice chap after all.
* No I'm definitely not saying Mary herself will turn into Serena Joy. I really don't see that happening.
Don't rule out Serena Joy Waterford being the next step.
Suffice it to say the non-populists got trampled at the first opportunity, but 'populist osmosis' kept fools like Hannan and Kate Hoey on board.
All they care about is "winning" the argument, essential finding areas of weakness of Centre & Left.
No interest in fixing problems, improving things.
Remainers tended to want to be "right", whereas majority of Leavers just cared about "Winning"
- other political movements formed through face to face contact, friendship - but 4chan was/is entirely online. Any personal contact is *post* online.
- attracts / promotes people with different social skills / personalities / behaviour to those who would join / pursue a movement which is essentially face to face?
As Roland has recounted, Cummings suppressed any talk of what a Brexit plan might look like.
Brexit campaign was all about attacking Leave's weaknesses, no solutions.
The reason why transphobia has been the spearhead is that it *legitimates* disgust. It serves as a release. So GCs move easily into Islamophobia, antisemitism, misogyny, homophobia.
GC feminism is an assertion of women's right to freedom from discrimination or abuse.
You seem to think it's something else.
GC isn’t feminism. It’s patriarchy in the guise of biological essentialism.
It’s a bunch of largely white ageing middle class men and women going yuck at trans people.
Not hard to become radicalised into feeling a great wrong is being ignored or your identity is being attacked / erased.