I’m sure that’s going to go great.
Reposted from
Kyle Griffin
Not a joke: Meta says it will end its fact-checking program and instead rely on Facebook and Instagram users to "correct" posts.
I hope I can hang around the blue skies for a while.
If Poilievre wins the election whenever it will be , do you think he will bypass rules and allow him in ?
He hates the truth and facts, so yeah. This will make Pappy as happy as it's possible for him to be.
OTP vp
Letting all ways and means of deception and lies to float out there and be magnified. Check.
meta has embraced a copy cat move- and hopes to triumph just like X ...
May they both go down in flames.
At this point is anyone surprised. There will only be “ alternative facts” from now on. Get used to it.
"Users are now allowed to, for example, refer to “women as household objects or property” or “transgender or non-binary people as ‘it,’” according to a section of the policy prohibiting such speech that was crossed out."
What a micro-penis Zuckerblah is.
“It’s time to get back to our roots around free expression,” Mr. Zuckerberg said.
The next 4 years are going to be brutal.