In essence, they want to steal as much money as they can. So,think this way! For every tax dollar paid in from the middle class, the middle class will get only a nickel in return from now on, instead of the usual tax return percentage.
and you literally have been funding them for hundreds of years so in a way you are now getting exactly what you have been sowing. if you can pay them to exploit and murder innocent baby animals, then they can pay you to work at their companies like the good little consumer you are.
Can that be stated in simpler terms so the idiots who voted for those Republicans can understand what this means? Too many syllables per word for them to get it.
Exactly!!! And the media is SO complicit in the way they report all of this. Mostly by the sin of omission & focusing on trivial BS & gaffs by the Dems. By not calling out this master manipulation & deception, they have helped destroy our Republic. All for greed & power.
Robber Barons seek to recreate the gilded age, the rich get wealthy with help from the government (grants, contracts, free land), and they profit off of the labor of undereducated serfs to build more wealth
Education can be the equalizer - so they want to destroy Department of Education
Keep flooding the US Capital with calls, keep protesting, keep on your Senators, flood the airwaves! Fight Fight Fight! US Capital Switch Board 202-224-2131
It's amazing what simple working class people are willing to go to prison for or even kill or die for when the wealthy white elitists who convince them to do so continue to live in the lap of luxury.
Impact billionaires, corporations that support trumps policy, but it would require the consensus of all company workers, Call off sick for a day and shut the companies down.
Remember also there will be traitors to the cause, but once you know who they are, ostracize them.
Specific to the difference between FDR's Second Bill of Rights 1944 & Reagan's Economic Bill of Rights 1987 designed to undermine the effectiveness of the New Deal.
FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, January 11th, 1944
“This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the
protection of certain inalienable political rights—among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty. As our nation has grown in size and stature, however—as our industrial economy
expanded—these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness. We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.”
People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made. In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident…
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough
to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition
and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health; The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The "middle class?" There is barely a middle class anymore. There's the ultra wealthy, people who are part of the dwindling middle class, the working poor, & the poor. Most Americans are in the working poor class & that is by design by the GOP & their 40 years of trickle-down economics magic show.
We get this. I would love to take the Moe approach, grab the stooge magas and start bumping heads.
There's some hope, after 9 yrs my neighbor took down his Trump flag after Musk's Hitler salute
I've marched, called Congress, not giving up, we can't give up.
I am on the recieving end of the anti-transgender portion of this strategy. My life is H-ll now. 38 years after transitioning, and now I face more hatred than ever.
You shouldn't say "Republicans"; use the names specifically doing it. Some Republicans would not want to be associated with such a policy. Best not to brand them as all the same?
We are all human regardless of why or how we came to this country. We want to protect what we value. That said, a mirror does need to be held and examined in the future. 🙂
You do realize that Musk was enriched by woke virtue signalers buying his overpriced, government incentivized cars, right? And then government contacts given to him by the Biden administration?
The richest people were just fine with you until just recently.
Boycott all the tech companies who are now in Trump's pocket: Meta, Amazon, Washington Post, Google, Tesla, X, and Tik Tok. And boycott Paramount for not having the balls to stand up for 60 Minutes in Trump's legal efforts to intimidate the media.
It can be two things at once…a travesty and a distraction. Make no mistake, minorities will be hit hardest, intentionally, and the rest of us will suffer too. This is an all-inclusive theft.
To think that weaponizing social issues is what is happening is to be in the opinion that social issues are irrelevant. Thinking that way is why we are here ! Targeting Black federal workers, ICE raids, blaming DEI, canceling Black history month are similar programs used prior to the holocaust.
I'm not defending everything Dems have done/not done, but if you're basically honest, it's difficult to foresee the level of organized depravity in the Republicans actions.
Through systematic conditioning, many “conservatives” have become amoral and lost their ability to feel empathy, show compassion and think independently.
Conditioned by trump and media to love trump and his ”vision,” which mostly are lies and fear mongering.
They have become to believe these lies, repeat these lies and live these lies. Many of them can no longer think for themselves, but only mimic sound bites.
The US must do what Israelis did for a year, 23% of the population took part in protests, when their democracy was threatened. In US population terms that is 77 million Americans. 100,000s came out EVERY week, blocking roads. You have only yourselves to blame if you are not doing it.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
Lyndon B. Johnson
Yep, this sums up their strategy completely. Humans are emotional creatures & it is much easier to stir their negative emotions than to ask them to focus on complex problems.
Abolish the republican party. They may not all be crooks, but even the good ones vote against bills to help people. They all suck in some way. We’re better off without them.
Occam's razor. If the economy slows down across every business simultaneously, but the economy keeps functioning, what doesn't happen if the switch is thrown on people's information? Asking for a friend. 🙂
At this point, I don’t think that’s the case. I reckon Elmo & Co just want to burn the whole thing (America) to the ground and pick up what they want and discard the rest. They want the power of being our sovereign(s). Nothing more, nothing less.
As long as the GOP’s platform is the lie of trickle-down economics, all they have are the Machiavellian dog whistles of #FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), systemic racism… and voter suppression.
Now, get back to work so that the "Job Creators" can return to the county club.
Trickle-down economics is a myth. Tax cuts for the rich don’t create jobs or boost the economy—they just make the rich richer while cutting services and raising prices for everyone else.
My guess is that 99.9% of maggots have never even met someone who is transgender. They just enjoy the hate part because they’re such miserable little pricks
Hmm. That makes sense. America needs to learn that our exceptionalism is luck. And a lot of people working to make sure we don’t go into fascism by regularly fighting back.
It’s not that we’re special & chosen by God. It’s the opposite.
This is exactly what outlines in his video “how I escaped the alt right pipeline.” A VERY GOOD watch, I have shown this to so many people that I now must be a JimmyTheGiant apologist.😂
Because 53% of Americans have a literacy level of 6th graders and care more about screwing the libs at the expense of their own economic best interests.
The changes being made to our Country have been desired for a long, long time now... by the Republican FUNDING class.
The changes don't actually benefit Americans, they don't make US safer or healthier or improve society in any way.
Its only good for a few at the top... of one political party.
Republicans have grown an echo-chamber attitude that possesses them into thinking they're moral arbiters now, and that the new perception of morality they have now is centered on the concept of purchasing power, instead the moral leveraging being based on each individual's character in the community
Income disparity is a social issue so economic policies are totally on the plate for discussion. Social issues include most activities of humanity. We need to maintain attention on this and not separate human activities as if they are truly independent of one another.
That has been the Republican Party for as long as I can remember, and I’m 59. Grampa always told me: “R in Republican stands for Rich, because that’s the only people they care about. Don’t ever forget that!”
And people in both parties are falling for it. We have to figure out a way to centralize information and organize. Could the DNC be that centralization?
America’s swift decline to a destroyed democracy is a lesson to the world to recognize our dependency on the invisible Information technology systems that propel our world and their threat to democracy and the demise of democracy.
A silent coup. Not a shot was fired. So much for all those guns.
That’s the voters.
The real agenda of President Musk is to own the world, enslave the rest of us.
They want the US Government to be doing the bidding of the 1000 richest men on earth at our expense.
Yes, they're code speaking N*****, N*****, N***** when they call programs DEI or "woke", signaling to the bigots of our society that the programs being targeted are only used by the ppl they hate while the billionaire cabinet is all down in the treasury stealing our money in plain site
Musk gets called out for a hostile take over, we learn about his playbook and find he's used it in business. That information is used to go after his money
It’s the reason the pro life movement was started in the 70s & got a boost from none other than the Reagan Administration. They wanted to ensure a constant voter base, not because the gop has a “moral” stance of any kind.
(Can’t believe this is still up)
democrats are the ones that weaponize social issues and blow themselves up with them. targets tuckable trans boy swimsuits at front of store for pride month, dei nonsense, and too much focus on diversity as opposed to merit. minus that they would have had a better candidate and Trump would b done
"among the vulgar, [it's the case that]
quacks and projectors meet with a more easy faith upon account of their magnificent pretensions,than if they kept themselves within the bounds of moderation."
David Hume, friend of Benjamin Franklin
That could work.
Unless she has a penis.
He’s probably getting a Monica in his office right now.
Th other twist would be meeting her Girlfriend who happens to be trans.
So many options as I write the script for ,
EXPLORING NANCY MACE, Unauthorized & Explosive.
All the while picking your pockets and killing off any chance of you and your families future.
You have no future with trumpo the clown.
Education can be the equalizer - so they want to destroy Department of Education
Remember also there will be traitors to the cause, but once you know who they are, ostracize them.
FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, January 11th, 1944
“This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health; The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
There's some hope, after 9 yrs my neighbor took down his Trump flag after Musk's Hitler salute
I've marched, called Congress, not giving up, we can't give up.
Many dead billionaires could help resolve the problem.
I'm trying to improve accessibility across the platform.
The #MAGAMorons KKKlan
in power is profoundly ignorant regarding
history, economy
&foreign policy
This is not rocket science
They are TRULY idiots
anyone who claims to
NOT be able to see what they’re doing,
is also an idiot
Wanna know a hard truth? Dems are no different.
The richest people were just fine with you until just recently.
It does not help that conservatives have near total control of the media at this point as well.
We are headed into a very dark direction...
E.G. McConnell SCOTUS. Would not allow a vote for Garland so close to an election under Obama. Under Trump, RBG dies, installs Barrett.
GOP is evil and they play dirty. Dems are not playing the same game
Dark money in DC does a lot of the talking.
And the majority of the constituents that the GOP represents loves Trump. So they stay in line for the votes.
They have become to believe these lies, repeat these lies and live these lies. Many of them can no longer think for themselves, but only mimic sound bites.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Same shit, different day.
Now, get back to work so that the "Job Creators" can return to the county club.
It’s not that we’re special & chosen by God. It’s the opposite.
The changes don't actually benefit Americans, they don't make US safer or healthier or improve society in any way.
Its only good for a few at the top... of one political party.
The 1% love to keep us busy fighting for crumbs.
And what the fuck are the Democrats doing?
A silent coup. Not a shot was fired. So much for all those guns.
A full forensic accounting. When it turns out that we didn’t really send 50 million to Gaza for condoms and that money went to________ instead.
We are going to have a massive problem. It will be indefensible.
If it wasn’t. That’s going to be a huge problem.
The real agenda of President Musk is to own the world, enslave the rest of us.
They want the US Government to be doing the bidding of the 1000 richest men on earth at our expense.
Musk gets called out for a hostile take over, we learn about his playbook and find he's used it in business. That information is used to go after his money
(Can’t believe this is still up)
quacks and projectors meet with a more easy faith upon account of their magnificent pretensions,than if they kept themselves within the bounds of moderation."
David Hume, friend of Benjamin Franklin