They keep calling it an entitlement. That’s true we are entitled to Medicare and Social Security. We’ve been paying into them our entire adult lives. They take $285 out of my Social Security for my Medicare. They call it a third rail for a reason. FOAFO 😐
I doubt it would make it to Wall Street even. Shitstain and Relon will have one of their ass kissing lackeys shovel it into a couple Brinks trucks and deliver MarLardo.
The only reason that it’s broken in the first place is due to insidious interference in the system created by conservative government. If you continually cut funding, of course it will run poorly.
I believe that it's because when a company makes a tax deposit each week after payroll, they have to match the social security $$ taken out of our paychecks. That total amount gets sent to the government.
He is a mythomaniac.
There is always a lie in every sentence.
He is a prisoner to mendacity.
Condemned by every lie he utters.
By not pointing out each and every lie, the village idiots of America (of whom there are many), believe him!
Why don't the "free"press call him out?
Afraid of being sued?
Truth! If Musk paid 6.2% of his salary in Social Security Taxes, like most people do, he would pay $62,000,000 in ONE YEAR. But he pays only $10,000. Because the tax cap is around $178,100. So the most ANYONE pays is $10,000. Musk pays one 10th of one millionth of a percent. #RemoveTheTaxCap
I agree. If we stop expecting it to be there we wont get made if they take it away. But not everything is supposed to be privatized or for profit. We need resources that have a sole purpose to improve quality of life. We were not meant to work till we drop and should age in dignity and rest ...
It's a tale as old as conservatism... Set up the system to fail, then scream to anybody who will listen about how broken it is when the other guys back in office. Repeat until you can finally dismantle it completely.
The Social Security Trust Fund only contains government debt, special Treasury bonds that are not available to the public, and were only created so the government could spend the excess SS collected taxes.
We have allowed everyone to lie about everything all of the time and we have accepted this as normal. It is not normal. Lying needs to be a deal breaker. Every. Single. Time. #enoughbullshit #trumpisatraitor #revolutionFrenchstyleNOW
Reminder Republican Bush
as president had plans for elimination of Social Security.
But had then was responsible
for USA Great Recession.
Luckily🍀for citizens didn’t
touch our Social Security.
Maybe not even to Wall Street. Musk clearly has ambitions to gin up financial institutions tied to X (which will sprout a PayPal-like appendage, like China's Weibo) and funding his companies. Why not just privatize 401Ks right into Musk's financial institution?
Not buying that he has a master plan for success. This is just for him to make money. He can do that now without all the watch dogs. Congress better have a counter plan.
Privatizing everything is the only way they keep making their millions & billions. It has nothing to do with making anything better for the rest of us, just for themselves.
It's a big short. Drive down the market and watch who is selling at the top. Let it bottom out then see who is buying. Hint, Buffet is holding onto billion in cash ready to buy deals.
We know they’re going to try and break the system. When and how? I don’t know.
But they have write access, and most employees are gone - so, the system could be FUBAR soon. Could we see millions standing in line to verify identity and reapply? With a few people working there to help?
Simple really. He needs to pretend its broken so he can pretend to fix it. He frames everything with lies to justify his acts because he is too stupid to do anything new and useful. All he can do is break things and hope they go back together again.
And Sec Greenspan sat there smiling while the flimsy tower of tranches and no-doc mortgages got higher and higher --
After the crash, he said that he hadn't thought the banks needed regulation b/c he didn't think they'd make any decisions that were not in their best interest.
Bernie woke us all up when we were just being unnaturally obtuse.
A generation with several shared traumas, just became apathetic, and stopped watching!
Of course- he has been on Congress for decades- just seems like he is the one doing very heavy lifting right now at age 83 and disappointed that more Dems aren’t doing what he is doing as clearly there is interest.
And can you imagine what will happen with it? We’ve paid our Social Security for years and it’s worked for many people survive who survive on it. Now these billionaires want to destroy it especially Musk who has more money than he can ever spend. Tragic
I called Senator Moreno’s office and lit in to the call screener. I asked what his stance on Leon was. No comment. What about social security? It’s not an entitlement! I worked for that money. No comment. We need to pressure these assholes. Call and write.
Exactly. Burn down systems and privatize - sell to the highest bidders - regardless of what citizenship they hold. Oligarchs lining up - Trump might just offer free citizenship (they can have dual if Putin ok’s. He will)…
They tried this under Pinochet in Chile. It failed. It failed hard.
They tried tariffs and isolationism after WW1. It failed. It helped precipitate the great depression. That is why we needed the New Deal in the first place. Richie Rich has been trying to kill the New Deal since its institution.
People should lose faith in the empty GOP talking points. For too long some of us became complacent thinking their blather was just political theater. We relied that progressives would hold the line. That was a grand miscalculation. Now it’s critical mass.
Their plan is simple break it by disabling it, saying, see it doesn’t work, then privatize it while kicking people off. You better rise up America or you will continue to be fucked without being kissed #nevermypresident
This isn’t rocket science people. Tax the rich and corporations at the same rate as the rest of us, eliminate the payroll tax cap, eliminate deductions. Bingo, government funded, medicaid/medicare/SS fully funded. DOGE can get F’ed and we the people have a happy life.
Any attempts to regulate capitalism are just speedbumps on the road to oligarchy.
So long as it remains possible for individuals or private interest groups to amass limitless wealth or power, oligarchy will remain inevitable. Rich people cannot be allowed to exist.
Things that boggle the mind. An entire group of people who sit in front of their TV, watching Trump spew one line of bullshit after another, then spend the next day repeating everything as the gospel while calling everyone else sheep.
Trump lies about everything from the time he wakes up in the morning to the time he goes to sleep at night. He opens his mouth and only lies come out. And the lies are meant to bamboozle his 78 million supporters. No one else believes him.
Bernie's not a Dem, he's actually an Independent who votes with the Dems mostly, seeing as he's politically a Democratic Socialist. Emphasis on the socialism part.
I think he’s going to gut it, claim it was a fraud, and reroute the money to his Klan. It will cease to exist for most people of color. Just like states pay into the federal govt but now he’s trying to withhold money and act like the state should be grateful when getting back money they put in.
If only there was an incentive, potentially during tax refund time where a cash incentive is given for a brief education on our main policies so that we’re more knowledgeable of them.
Online and in person, click by or read.
Separate from tax equations, less messy.
Add within budget to IRS to disperse for Population Policy education. May increase patriotism and self inclusion desire.
These dangerous personalities lie as we breath, even if they don’t have to lie. Their facade is honorable, while they do dark things beyond our imagination.
Exactly-- the same reason they're gutting the VA; the FAA; and everything else they think might offer money-making opportunities. It's sad how many people think the government is 'too big', when in fact it's too small.
Social Security is our safety net and not an entitlement. GOP hates a government system that works and provides the promise made to provide the pension that corporations ended. They want to give it to henge fund bodies!
Social Security is the most successful govt. program in history, self-funded & sustainable. We can enhance it by raising the cap & slightly increasing taxes on those earning over $400,000. After cutting taxes for billionaires, Reagan & George W. Bush borrowed from the SS fund & never repaid it.
No to Trump, no to Wallstreet, no to Crypto, stop taking what we PAID into ALL our lives and gambling with it. Also, PREZ, VP, CONGRESS, SCOTUS, & GOV STAFF should get SS & Medicare like we do.
It's all about the money. T and his circle of oligarchs view the government as their cash cow, ripe for the taking. It's up to us to send them packing, and we can do it.
Dr. Ed Weir has been saying this for years. Staffing at the SSA is down the lowest in 50 years BEFORE the🍊 TRAITOR let his muskrat loose on it. Corrupt gop made sure SSA has been insufficiently funded for years ✔️
That would be the nail in their coffin. There are way too many Americans who are paying in, and have paid in, for their entire working lives. It's not an entitlement. It's a safety net, and OUR money.
See my blog post with names/bio of dozen or so Trump attorneys who believed Trump's lies, ended up disgraced, disbarred.
Chesebro. Clark. Cohen. Cohn. DiGenova. Eastman. Ellis. Giuliani. Powell. Wood, and more.
Same grift as always: Gain power by telling voters the government is taking their money and giving it to the undeserving. Once in power, break government. Point to broken government as evidence government doesn't work.
It's a child throwing a glass of milk on the ground and blaming the glass.
Because he’s tearing it down making it privatized and taking the changed social security numbers from the people who are in witness protection, undercover or who knows what and exposing them. Gangster blackmail and setting up people. Espionage . The new colonization “The Network State”!!
The oligarchs have the power because the brainwashed masses voted for them. They believe the current Big Lie. Get out the vote in florida special elections. And use this checklist to help make a difference.
Nope, ain't gonna happen! Social Security payments have kept me off the streets and lived enough to have food, shelter, and help others to eat and survive. Fuck Felon tRump. I live a day at a time and appreciate each sunrise and sunset. I live and laugh, and that is what counts, for me.
An excellent read by Paul Krugman, long time economic writer for the New York Times. It's on Social Security and how Social Security is solvant and affordable for the American people with some adjustments.
It's literally the playbook used by Conservatives the world over.
I'm Scottish (we have our own government, but it has very limited powers), we've watched for years as a Westminster government, we don't vote for, breaks the government, breaks social programs, breaks healthcare.
... because they want to hand running those programs to themselves & their friends.
Scots vote progressive. In England, they lean more conservative. The Scottish government ends up spending a chunk of its limited budget (like states will have to do) to offset the hideous policies of Westminster
Yeah, what people don’t realize is he lies for a reason he lies as a deception. He lies to convince you to do something. He lies for a lot of reasons and sometimes he just lies.
My whole life I’ve been told it won’t exist for me when I retire. And I just assumed it was true. I bought the lie. Now I know it was just republicans lying to end it
Baby Bush kept trying to push that idea and got shouted down every time. NOBODY wants to gamble with their old age pension -- they want that money there when they need it!
The stock market *can* produce higher yields -- and the stock market can crash. Gramma needs her money NOW, not later.
Their plan:
1. Fire enough SS employees to cripple it
2. Fox "News" will constantly scream that SS is hopelessly ineffective and corrupt
3. Privatize SS a.k.a. "SS Advantage" to make more $$ for billionaires and Trump
Just give me back everything I have paid in over the years, plus 4% compound interest for 43 years and I’ll accept my check for $3.08 million and quietly go away. Otherwise, keep your f’ing hands off my money fat boy & Elon!
Actually I think he doesn’t want to pay his part of the social security for all his workers which the employer pays 1/2 and the employees pay the other 1/2 of social security payments and besides he still owes taxes and he hasn’t paid his1/2 of social security to the employees on the hotel in Panama
So if they discard social security I wonder if they would let us not pay federal taxes just let us pay the state taxes that way not paying federal taxes would take place of our social security payments THIS IS EXCELLENT THOUGHT
You figure how much money all these employers would save in every businesses they own if they don’t pay their 1/2 of social security payments every year
He wears sunglasses all the time because he's a ketamine addict and ketamine makes your pupils dilate.
It does other things, too, like creating paranoia, memory loss, risk-taking, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, feeling detached from your body/surroundings -- perfect for gov't restructuring.
The list of common traits you might see in someone who has antisocial personality disorder
Not understanding the difference between right and wrong.
Not respecting the feelings and emotions of others.
Constant lying or deception.
and look at the traitor trying to accuse others of being traitors. The only traitors to your country Adolf Musk, are your circle of nazis at the WH such as Vance, Trump & I forgot the "Ice army-wannabe biatches" name...
This is exactly it. The investor class wants that money invested in the stock market to inflate the value of their stocks and eventually for them to take that value back out draining it from the people. It is predatory and not in our interest.
RepubliCONS have been waging war on the middle class and the poor for decades. RepubliCONS serve the greedy rich parasitic class and themselves while they constantly put country dead last
160 million Americans are employed.
70 million are on social security.
That’s 230 million people spending money into the economy, taking social security will take away 30% of spending people out of the economy, think about that
Corporate greed.
There is always a lie in every sentence.
He is a prisoner to mendacity.
Condemned by every lie he utters.
By not pointing out each and every lie, the village idiots of America (of whom there are many), believe him!
Why don't the "free"press call him out?
Afraid of being sued?
I would trust a flea on a stray cat before I’d trust trump with my money.
It's astonishing that two narcissists who are detached from everyday realities, hold the power to influence decisions that impact my social security.
SS already is in deficit spending.
The Social Security Trust Fund only contains government debt, special Treasury bonds that are not available to the public, and were only created so the government could spend the excess SS collected taxes.
as president had plans for elimination of Social Security.
But had then was responsible
for USA Great Recession.
Luckily🍀for citizens didn’t
touch our Social Security.
-William Marshal
(Bernie gives speech)
I never ever expected to take advantage of that program when the retirement age kept increasing. Men don't live long lives in my families.
Kinda feels like I was just paying an asshole tax.
But they have write access, and most employees are gone - so, the system could be FUBAR soon. Could we see millions standing in line to verify identity and reapply? With a few people working there to help?
After the crash, he said that he hadn't thought the banks needed regulation b/c he didn't think they'd make any decisions that were not in their best interest.
A generation with several shared traumas, just became apathetic, and stopped watching!
Street lately.
They tried tariffs and isolationism after WW1. It failed. It helped precipitate the great depression. That is why we needed the New Deal in the first place. Richie Rich has been trying to kill the New Deal since its institution.
End Citizens United, (Re)Enact & Enforce Anti-Insider Trading, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Monopoly Laws. Outlaw Lobbyists & Lobbying in all forms.
Put in place limitations via Terms & Ethics for All Government Employees, in ALL Branches AND SubContractors. Consider mandatory drug tests maybe..?
So long as it remains possible for individuals or private interest groups to amass limitless wealth or power, oligarchy will remain inevitable. Rich people cannot be allowed to exist.
Online and in person, click by or read.
Add within budget to IRS to disperse for Population Policy education. May increase patriotism and self inclusion desire.
The correct answer is: because he’s a narcissist.
These dangerous personalities lie as we breath, even if they don’t have to lie. Their facade is honorable, while they do dark things beyond our imagination.
See my blog post with names/bio of dozen or so Trump attorneys who believed Trump's lies, ended up disgraced, disbarred.
Chesebro. Clark. Cohen. Cohn. DiGenova. Eastman. Ellis. Giuliani. Powell. Wood, and more.
Here's the blog post,
It's a child throwing a glass of milk on the ground and blaming the glass.
He lies about anything and everything to win votes.
And so is capitalism!
2) Disparage it
3) Privatize it
Conservatism 101
I'm Scottish (we have our own government, but it has very limited powers), we've watched for years as a Westminster government, we don't vote for, breaks the government, breaks social programs, breaks healthcare.
Scots vote progressive. In England, they lean more conservative. The Scottish government ends up spending a chunk of its limited budget (like states will have to do) to offset the hideous policies of Westminster
No kids, no bills,
no savings.
I quit my bad habits
gave up my social life and watch TV all
day in a house I inherited.
I need that money
they took every paycheck for me and invested for me
because they knew
I may not invest wisely if at all.
My Dad died at 61.
The way the market flips up and down . . .one month, seniors might get their money & the next, they might not.
Who wants their retirement money in a crap shoot? Not me.
The stock market *can* produce higher yields -- and the stock market can crash. Gramma needs her money NOW, not later.
1. Fire enough SS employees to cripple it
2. Fox "News" will constantly scream that SS is hopelessly ineffective and corrupt
3. Privatize SS a.k.a. "SS Advantage" to make more $$ for billionaires and Trump
It does other things, too, like creating paranoia, memory loss, risk-taking, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, feeling detached from your body/surroundings -- perfect for gov't restructuring.
the money we paid into our SS and stop payments going out to it? ...asking for a friend!
The list of common traits you might see in someone who has antisocial personality disorder
Not understanding the difference between right and wrong.
Not respecting the feelings and emotions of others.
Constant lying or deception.
Love you Bernie! Since UVM 1978
It is normal to pay for essential services.
Especially if run by the govt.
70 million are on social security.
That’s 230 million people spending money into the economy, taking social security will take away 30% of spending people out of the economy, think about that
Predatory corporations own this country.
But the consequences for him and his care-home figurehead will, eventually, be dire. The signs are already, only weeks in, dire.