I'm sorry for you, really. That's why actions are decided to not hurt "normal people" (no tariffs on electricity, health supplies, food). People before money. Thank you for your support!
I totally understand though. It’s like the drunk racist uncle at the family reunion that gets us all kicked out of the restaurant 🤷♂️. You just want to say… he’s not with us😂
Please impeach the orange buffoon (and get him out of office this time) before we are a 3rd world country. Republicans I beg of you! Dems will finish it up.
The thing that concerns me is Ford and where his alligances really lie. . .I suspect his primary allegiance is to money so we hav to keep an I on him. . .the oligarchs are in power in the US we will hav to keep an eye on them here they will probably support PP as he is the same.
I am a little confused. Putting Tariffs on another countries goods means the folks of your country pays those tariffs? Isn't that not good for your country?
The US is a failed state. It’s time for all sane nations to drop the US dollar for international trading and liquidate all US dollar reserves. A robust retaliatory measure to combat the destabilizing trump regime. Get in early! The US dollar will depreciate exponentially once the divestment starts.😎
i got majorly lectured yesterday for agreeing with a post that said something about Canadian "tariffs" on electricity. that particular self-righteous individual got blocked. because I don't care what you fecking call it. GO CANADA!
Most Canadians are making it a lifestyle. The stores are getting sneaky, but we know what we are doing. Canadian first and then anything but the United States of Russia.
Yep. Just got back from the grocery store and people are giving one another tips on which brands to avoid (US) and Canadian/Mexican/South American alternatives. Our habits are changing and we won’t be returning to the old ones.
Trump’s Tariffs—Met With Reciprocal Tariffs —Who Would Have Expected This !—Anyone With Common Sense And Minimal Brain Function! —And Why Trump’s Shocked!
Bluesky needs to create a stock ticker for those stocks we want to torture to death and display them at the top of the feed. That way, we can react in real time if a scuzzbucket company's stock price starts to rise. Tezzler is up 11 points today. And that is unacceptable. Drive em DOWN DOWN
The nice thing is they’re being kind by trying to target maga states. Even when Canada’s angry they’re still trying to be kind to us. That’s why they’re number one in my book.
Thank you Canada. Every time they've discussed why they are retaliating, and how, they point out it's due to Donald Trump (and his GOP loyalists). They don't want to have to do this. It's outrageous that it's even come to this, but I am very thankful Canada is doing what it's doing.
That is what Canadians do.
Canada is a kind,& fair nation. We would rather be diplomatic than thoughtless,tactless,impolitic.. (and I can go on and on).
Canadians are a class act!
The World needs more Canada.
It is the country and it is certainly not the American people who want this. It is the insane group of people put into power by cult followers of one of the individuals...the one who also keeps saying his cabal rigged the election for him too.
It is an insane situation that will come to a head.
Well, I can't blame him, but I'm not happy about it. I have nothing to do with Trump's craziness, manifesting this time in tariffs. I never voted for him and, I certainly, don't like like what he's doing. I just won't be able to afford Canada's prices.
Tit for tat time folks. We can thank King Thrump and the Ratpublicans for bringing on this reckless and irresponsible game of chicken with Canada and our ex-allies.
The fight against the authoritarian regime in the #USA is real. #Europe is also applying the same type of tariffs that #Mexico and #Canada placed on the USA. Red States better find customers in the USA as their products will just sit in warehouses.
Trumpty doesn’t have the first clue how tariffs actually work and his advisers are either too scared to explain it to him or Trump is too dense to understand.
You can put all his advisors together in one room and they still wouldn’t have one brain that functions or understands anything! They only know how to laugh when Trump thinks he made a funny.
Dems don't really mind what's happening to our country because most of them are ultra rich and benefit from tRumps tax cuts. This country is not divided by political parties. It's divided by those who have and those who don't have. Doesn't matter to the wealthy!
MAGA had it right but the country wrong. Instead of making America great again, trump is making every OTHER country great again. They have never been more united. Against us and deservedly so.
You’re right about Canadians. They are united now by their utter disdain for those in the USA who put that menace in office and those GOP whose backbone slid down the toilet with the last shit they took. Trumplandia. So sad.
As a Michigander, I applaud you standing up to him and standing together. I can't even believe we're here. We have been neighbors and friends for decades. And one corrupt man decided to make us the enemies of the free world. Just know that whatever happens, Michigan still loves you. 🇨🇦
That is just a starter. There is a phase 2 later this month in which 155 billion in US product gets slapped, depending on Trump's actions. Tomorrow's meeting with Leblanc, Ford, and Lutnick will likely result in nothing good. Canada has strong motivation and a lot of cards to play. Trump is doomed.
That's a good start, but Canada has to rev things up, I'm waiting to see what Doug Ford has to say after meetings in Washington with Trump officials. My advice would be, don't back down an inch.
This is what happens when you have a LAZY C STUDENT who spent most of his time bullying smaller, smarter, younger boys. Who would be sent to a military boarding school when he was invited back to his Elite Prep School the year he turned 13.
Oralè Resisters
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
No offense but we need to stop losing elections and there's no faster way to lose an election than putting a gay man up. We tried women TWICE and lost, let's not do that again either. Let's get a straight white centrist male with some charisma and actually win.
Canada has bought USA FARMERS SURPLUS! For years&forced buy more trump 2018trade deal. Meanwhile Canadian farmers MANDATED cap &get $0 their surplus. To make nice w USA - CANADA KICKS THEIR FARMERS IN THE TEETH & RESCUES USA FARMERS! Not today ALL DUE 2 trump! https://www.brookings.edu/articles/a-trumped-up-charge-against-canadian-dairy-tariffs/
RETALIATORY tariffs. We didn’t just announce tariffs. These are in response to tariffs Trump added, that breach the trade agreement TRUMP negotiated with Canada and Mexico and signed in 2018.
The only good thing that can come is when tariffs & price increases hit their pocketbooks. When they start losing their homes because they don’t have a job and can’t pay the mortgage, pay heat & electricity. It to mention feed their kids. How happy will maga be then.
As a USAn, I agree with this action. Turn off the lights off you must. We do not do to our neighbors & friends what The Felon is doing to you. Do not bend to the disgrace in the WH.
Is there anyone on this app able to confront you on your opinions or is that not allowed in the liberal world? Reporting and blocking people that don’t agree with you is the perfect pathway to a dystopian future, where everyone thinks the same and all know for sure they are right thinking that way.
Even without these hefty tariffs, is there any doubt that Canada is looking elsewhere to find things they need to import? They're mad. Can't blame them. Trump really needs to stop with the 51st state thing. Who wants to be American right now anyway?
He is dead serious.. his plan: to start by redrawing the borders of the Great Lakes by ripping up the 1908 treaty . After that, annexing us by weakening our economy and if that doesn’t work, by force..
He can’t do that you say? Look how far he’s gone right now..
"treaty of 1908 means the treaty between His Majesty King Edward VII and the United States respecting the demarcation of the international boundary between the United States and Canada signed at Washington on April 11, 1908"
You also have alot more & better timber than US has. That said, it's not as simple as you don't need us. Many of your businesses rely heavily on exports to US. An end to that would be painful if not disastrous to many of Canada's businesses. Tariffs are complex and in US we have morons running it.
And there seems to be no recognition by this moronic administration that many if not most US businesses also rely heavily on exports. This trade war is good for no one.
Anybody with a brain knows that. Apparently we have a WH that is lacking that brain. I used to be an importer of tariffed goods. I know who pays that tariff. My customers. I paid it, added it into cost of goods & price hike goes to customers. Simple concept, tricky to balance and we have morons.
Hope they ban goods from red states and companies owned by Trump supporters (Koch’s, Musk, Bezos, etc). They should also ban X & Facebook while they’re at it.
This feels like that new sport where people take turns at slapping each other, differences, there’s no winner here. While we’re busy slapping each other, the promoter is making billions.
Idk why they blacked off the electric tariff. I mean if you look at the election maps, a lot voted for Dump. Should’ve left it for a couple months reevaluated then. Let them get a taste of higher prices. Maybe they’d change their tune about him.
What percentage of Americans follow political news? Do most of them know or care what is happening between the US and the rest of the world in regard to tariffs.
Does faux news report world news? One person said she heard of Canada but didn’t know where it was, another knew little about us but knew all about the kardashians and other Hollywood “news”. There are probably lots of CDNs that don’t follow politics as well.
If Faux reports on the tariffs it will be "Canada started it" or the US has been subsidizing Canada so it is to balance trade between the countries. As for Canadians following the news, right now more are than are not - this crap has united Canadians in a way that not much else does, except hockey.
I had access for about three weeks. I think I lasted 3 minutes watching Hannity, may have glimpsed a few others while channel surfing and I couldn’t believe people watch this. In every CDN hotel review I do, I tell them I’m disappointed they carry faux news.
Out of a 30 min broadcast they may do 6min (at best) on international news and 4on news outside their area. Of course all bets are off when it gets gruesome.... "If it bleeds, it leads" mantra is still the norm.
Carlin foresaw co-potuses' aliases in "Free floating Hostility"???
I hope Mickey dies.
I do, I hope he god-damn dies.
I hope he gets a hold of some tainted cheese, and dies lonely and forgotten, behind the baseboard of a soiled bathroom, in a poor neighborhood, with his hand in Goofy’s pants.
Perhaps the only way to get Trumps attention is to Turn the Power off already and get people angry enough to head to Washington and disrupt and resist every one who serving in the Trump Regime!!
I'm feeling the Jim Carrey bathroom scene where he beats the crap out of himself and helplessly liking it, because he needs to.
Have at it friends and allies. Keep slapping those tarriffs on.
The more the merrier. Beat the $#%@! out of this cold-blooded, cesspool of WH corruption.
If you are confused on all the chaos in Washington checkout my podcast where I break down the weeks top news stories in a way you can understand. Don’t be overwhelmed be educated
In the trade war with the U.S., Canada can significantly influence the fluctuations of the American stock market and deliver a heavy blow to the thug Trump. 🥊🤡🥊
If only trump and his crooks weren't profiting from this. They are buying low, every dip. Notice how the Russian stock market did the opposite. Almost like they know everything before its announced.
Yes! I guess the drugs were wearing off and reality was setting in! He spent so many years cultivated the myth of his genius and dissolved it in just a matter of months
Is he though? He’s got his hand in the treasury cookie jar, and has removed all oversight. On top of that he just keeps awarding his own company government contracts. sorry I’m really puzzled as to why he’s not more upset? The protests are definitely putting pressure on him and I love that!
Drumpty is trying to be the tough guy, he is not, and it's not working. So, now he is pissed and embarrassed, and tripling down. He is not use to people fighting back. He doesn't like it one bit. Man child.
Keep them coming, "the art of the deal" genius will cry victim, give in pretend he won and take a bow. It's all theater for his fool base. But hell for the rest of us on both sides.
👍 keep matching his tariffs + >. I’m just sitting back watching the world dirty bitch slap his fat ass!!!
Keep it up World!! He is the worst of the worst!! But it’s so entertaining to see him pouting and lashing out like a 4 year old boy.
Do it!!!! True Americans can’t stand Donnie and Elon. Both escaped serving in the military, both are crooks. We will manage our funds to ride out the tariff war. Down with the oligarchy!!!
I wonder if that’s 28.99 CAD$ or US$. $20 US costs $28. 99 CAD. About the price of a box of chocolates. As Forest Gump says “Life is a box of chocolates.” And it comes with a Tariff now thanks to Orange 47. No worries, we have some great Canadian Chocolatiers. Ganongs, Peace by Chocolate, Dononi,
We Americans (and the world) are in for severe economic pain. Thanks to all magaloid voters.. thanks to all you non voting dems.. you've all condemned the world to an economic depression 🫥
New Prime Minister
@mark-carney.bsky.social go team🇨🇦
Jeff Douglas for “no we are not the 51st State” edition as Jeff Canadian🇨🇦 #TheTrueNorth🇨🇦 #StrongandFree🇨🇦 #OhCanada🇨🇦 we stand on guard for thee. And love our friends and neighbors🇲🇽🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇳🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇳🇱🇦🇺🇸🇪🇩🇰🇬🇷🇮🇹🇳🇴🇯🇵🇮🇳🇮🇪🇧🇷🇪🇸🇨🇭 who #StandwithCanada🇨🇦 https://youtu.be/_OzbmriDgQc
Be watchful America. Our friends to the north need us. And we need them.
I am on Team Canada.
🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🍁🍁🍁🍁
Canada is a kind,& fair nation. We would rather be diplomatic than thoughtless,tactless,impolitic.. (and I can go on and on).
Canadians are a class act!
The World needs more Canada.
It is an insane situation that will come to a head.
MAGA must Lie, Cheat and Steal! Abortion. Guns. Equality. End Christian nationalism!Maga is the CONFEDERACY!!
Shut the door
Fuck Agent #Krasnov and #PresidentMusk
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
I think he'd make a great leader but you're not evolved enough yet.
He can’t do that you say? Look how far he’s gone right now..
Sure there's luxuries...
But without imports from the US we'd be okay.
Now.. The US needs our electricity and Potash and aluminum and nickel and wheat and water...
So um... Good fucking luck feeding your country or making... Anything.
US based steel jumped 10% already... Even though it's not subject to anything given it's... Made in the USA.
Thinking tariffs lower prices for anything is just fucking stupid.
FCK Trump
It’s the Federal govt Trump needs to deal with anyway
I hope Mickey dies.
I do, I hope he god-damn dies.
I hope he gets a hold of some tainted cheese, and dies lonely and forgotten, behind the baseboard of a soiled bathroom, in a poor neighborhood, with his hand in Goofy’s pants.
Have at it friends and allies. Keep slapping those tarriffs on.
The more the merrier. Beat the $#%@! out of this cold-blooded, cesspool of WH corruption.
Keep it up World!! He is the worst of the worst!! But it’s so entertaining to see him pouting and lashing out like a 4 year old boy.
F*cking do something to stop him
@mark-carney.bsky.social go team🇨🇦
Jeff Douglas for “no we are not the 51st State” edition as Jeff Canadian🇨🇦 #TheTrueNorth🇨🇦 #StrongandFree🇨🇦 #OhCanada🇨🇦 we stand on guard for thee. And love our friends and neighbors🇲🇽🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇳🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇳🇱🇦🇺🇸🇪🇩🇰🇬🇷🇮🇹🇳🇴🇯🇵🇮🇳🇮🇪🇧🇷🇪🇸🇨🇭 who #StandwithCanada🇨🇦 https://youtu.be/_OzbmriDgQc