I really hope this is old news because if they sell now, they'll likely lose their shirts. On the other hand, at least they won't lose their pants, too.
At some point this boycott needs to be kicked upstairs, so to write, and also include groups such as Vanguard and Blackrock, who are both major investors of Tesla and by proxy the right wing and Trump.
Nice, I assume as I have never been 😊
As you can probably guess I am from Quebec 😉
And it never crossed my mind that we our two countries be in this chaos 😞
First quarter earnings are going to be abysmal so anyone who doesn’t sell by then is absolutely hosed. Watching all these board members sell recently should have made that obvious by now.
I wonder how much loss it would take to make this Nazi bastard stop what he's doing? I predict nothing will make him stop unless he's in prison. He's a narcissist like his Daddy Trump is.
They'll never stop as long as the GOP assists them in their coup. There's very little hope of that stopping.
It looks like a Government shut down is looming.This may be the ONE time all will understand the recklessness of Nero (Trump)!All other cuts, threats, & ultimate effect of the hachet job being done is felt by some and in incruments!Therefore, many still dont get it!A shut down will effect ALL!
Perfect, Nazi asshole loves destroying other peoples lives and livelihoods with his fucking doge power grab given to him by the felon, so show him what kind of power people have. Do it please.
The best part of this is that if Tesla's price drops low enough, his stock no longer works as collateral for the loan he got to buy Twitter, so some bank might repossess it from him.
There needs to be a huge push from pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, corporations and universities to divest from Tesla. It's CEO has shown that he will run it into the ground before taking any sort of accountability.
NYC Employees’ Retirement System, the NYC Teachers’ Retirement System, the New York City Police Pension Fund, the New York City Fire Pension Fund, and the New York City Board of Education Retirement System. These funds hold 3.7 million shares of Tesla worth $649 million, as of the first qtr 2024.
And they are crashing daily since they are invested in stock. Do you think tax payers will pay your City pensions? Get in line they are taking our Social Security and Medicare away!!!
Sell when it's low??? Not a smart move, but a good plan down the road to gradually divest from nazism, but do it on your terms when the market rebounds
For a State’s money to be in anything that isn’t Government/ for the country, is putting the entire fund into the hands of a private company whose goals may not align with the country one day. Why would a country do such a thing?
If it’s in the dollar and the dollar fails, we all fail, ..
If I was a billionaire and I knew this, I would tell my government, thank you so much for investing, I love you, but no, we can’t do that, I love my country more.
NY really needs to get its shit together. Not only has Hochul refused to kick Eric Adams to the curb, but Andrew “Cuomosexual” is the friggin’ leading candidate to replace the criminal mayor!
JFC, New York, you’re supposed to be better than THIS!
But better late than never, yes? Also, it takes some time to get it on the board's schedule, etc. despite the carnage and governing by executive orders, it hasn't been 2 months yet. Pretty quick turnaround.
Yep - same with those who own Tesla cars.
My friend put a sticker on her Tesla “I bought it before he became an asshole.” I had to kindly explain to her he was ALWAYS an asshole.
First the short-sellers and now the pension funds will be dumping Elmo’s stock😂
Pretty soon he’ll be standing on the highway median with a sign: “Will fire people for food.”
The few brokerage houses still touting TSLA as a buy are talking about auto-driver cars & taxis as the catalyst. Far off and who wants to get in a Tesla made car without a driver after seeing all the driver assist accidents from them. No thanks. They are just trying to drive the stock price up.
They live in a rarified bubble which means that they are totally unable to read the room - they think we're all think as shit / goldfish and after a month we'll have forgotten about this and start happily buying Tesla cars, robots, hailing Tesla taxis... they are massively overpaid morons / shills
Tariffs are a regressive tax that affects average people the most.
Elon,who was selling tesla outside the White House with Trump yesterday,cut federal aid to food banks.For those fortunate enough, never to have used one, they feed the most vulnerable.
I receive a pension from NY retirement. It is one of the largest pension plans in the country. It is run extremely well, so I am not worried. Tesla investments are under 2 %.
As a former trustee on a union pension fund the trickiest part of being a fiduciary was trying to get the most profit for your members while following your investment policy and sticking to your values. Thats where hiring a good money manager that understands your union values is so important
They can do better than that - cite its relation to fascism, human suffering via unexpected mass firings, economic suffering via unexpected firings and loss of paychecks and benefits, and dabbling in right-wing politics in the USA and Europe...
Over 20 NY senators want the state pension fund to SELL TESLA SHARES – citing financial instability and leadership issues under Musk! 💥 If even politicians are backing out, what does that tell you?! 😳 Tesla is falling – HARD! 👊🔥
Only if the pension funds withdraw and not lose people’s 401Ks. If you get a pension, you need to become aware of current companies they are investing. Read the oversized envelope that they send you in the mail, instead of throwing it away. Be smart, protect yourself!
The Dutch pension fund has done that, and many more will follow. If we don't act quickly, we'll have to sell at a loss and lose a significant amount of money.
How are "Tesler" stocks up today? Sales have almost completely stopped worldwide, dealerships are under constant protest, godman sachs has listed the stock as "sell", everybody hates Musk. How are the stocks going up!??? I smell something fishy
Same with DJT, Trump's company that owns Truth Social, a company that makes no money and loses millions and millions, their share price is up today!? Like what the hell?
Just the super rich manipulating the market.... to discourage ppl to think the tesla takedown won't win in the long term. Don't stress out too much...I was freaking out as well. Eventually they actually need to sell cars and I don't see that happening. #teslatakedown
The Dutch pension fund has done that, and many more will follow. If we don't act quickly, we'll have to sell at a loss and lose a significant amount of money.
That company is going to the teens soon. Dump Tesla before you get stung. Europe AND China are sending there number in in the next month. 60% to 78% drop in sales. That will cause factory closures and offices shuttered. That will increase costs on materials and that will increase costs and price
No, the state should do what Desantis is doing/has done in Floriduh -
1) Buy stock in company with known progressive values (or fascist values in this case)
2) Sue for progressive values (or fascist) as fraud & not acting in the interests of shareholders.
3) Lave, enjuague, y repita
".. citing financial issues and leadership instability"
As you can probably guess I am from Quebec 😉
And it never crossed my mind that we our two countries be in this chaos 😞
They'll never stop as long as the GOP assists them in their coup. There's very little hope of that stopping.
I know it's a 'typo', but,
better fix it!
*It'd be a complete pity if stock started plummeting for Starlink too.*
Folks, you know what to do.
If it’s in the dollar and the dollar fails, we all fail, ..
What the fuck are all you other pension investment managers doing? Turf your god damn Tesla shares NOW!!
It’s a fire sale for fuck sakes! Don’t be caught last holding the bag with shares worth pennies.
to draft resolutions for their pension boards!!!
JFC, New York, you’re supposed to be better than THIS!
My friend put a sticker on her Tesla “I bought it before he became an asshole.” I had to kindly explain to her he was ALWAYS an asshole.
‘I bought this because I knew Elon was crazy.’
Pretty soon he’ll be standing on the highway median with a sign: “Will fire people for food.”
Doesn't help that sales of tesla have dropped 75% Germany, 50% France etc.
The fact that he is still the richest man in the world, having lost $136 billion, should disgust anyone.
- Elon is gutting the IRS. This makes it easier for billionaires & millionaires to cheat on taxes, avoid paying them etc.
- Trump's team have said they want tariffs to replace income tax. This benefits the wealthy as paying the additional cost of goods is...
Tariffs are a regressive tax that affects average people the most.
Elon,who was selling tesla outside the White House with Trump yesterday,cut federal aid to food banks.For those fortunate enough, never to have used one, they feed the most vulnerable.
Elon's Cars and Trucks are made in China. Rumor has it Elon was Hatched In China.
The End
Over 20 NY senators want the state pension fund to SELL TESLA SHARES – citing financial instability and leadership issues under Musk! 💥 If even politicians are backing out, what does that tell you?! 😳 Tesla is falling – HARD! 👊🔥
Musk is NOT!
The majority should force him to leave. Instead everyone is selling stock.
- It's not as if Musk ever brought anything inventive... - only money... Pathetic, really, to shame a great inventor's name like that.
Please do!
Do it now!
Do it more!
The sales figure ain't gonna recover in Europe or China. I doubt it will be in Canada, Mexico or South America either.
US? Well, that orange turd is pitching to people who don't buy EVs.
They want us to do the environment better but then charge an arm and a leg for em.
Electric vehicles getting popular would probably have been a net positive.
That being said
Bankrupt this retard.
But in terms of popularity it was Musk by far
It's now up to us to find someone else to promote and replace tesla in the minds of americans!
1) Buy stock in company with known progressive values (or fascist values in this case)
2) Sue for progressive values (or fascist) as fraud & not acting in the interests of shareholders.
3) Lave, enjuague, y repita