Regardless of who is being called "deranged", it seems to be a public danger and the source needs to be isolated. A federal penitentiary should work just fine.
Example of goal post moving: He isn’t a felon or a rapist! (Shows them proof) That’s just not true! (Shows more proof) well, they had that undone. (Even if they made it okay for him to run and become president doesn’t mean he didn’t do it) I don’t know why everyone is so full of hate!
😑 cult.
🚨 So now questioning a convicted felon = mental illness?! 🤡 The real disorder is supporting a rapist and criminal. GOP can’t handle the truth, so they want to call it “derangement.” NOPE. TRUTH ≠ INSANITY. Share this before they redefine reality! 🔥🔥🔥
Using spurious mental health diagnoses to imprison political enemies is straight from the authoritarian playbook. China and Russia both do this.
They also used to throw women into mental hospitals for "hysteria", aka, the audacity to disagree, mouth off, state uncomfortable truths, or show strong emotions.
Seriously, so many impotent and thin-skinned fuckers throughout history. 😑👎
I honestly thought this was satire at first. This shit is getting weird (and terrifying). It’s like Repubs set loose a bunch of 10-year-olds and gave them the country to play with. Dangerous times…….
Oh, but those that elected a charity-stealing, sexually-assaulting, money-wasting, excessively- golfing, gluttonous, duplicitous, treasonous Russian shill, are sane?
That's what I've been saying for years. They fly multiple flags of his, wear his hat and T-shirt, go to his rallies, use his name in their online user names, etc. etc. but if you casually say, "fuck trump" they go red in the face yelling that you have TDS.
wait he was convicted of rape really! cuz if so that would mean his lil assertion that he didn't do anything wrong on Epsteins island or home in florida has a higher probability of being false as his wooden ass teeth.
Lmao what is this reality ? Are they out of their minds this dude is a criminal fucking predator piece of shit who’s been bullying little old ladies and stealing their shit since we can’t even remember. This is no God this is not king he is a piece of shit with no brain
The people who have "Trump Derangement Syndrome" are the MAGATs. Anyone worshipping a fat, 78 year old, makeup and diaper wearing moron clearly has mental illness.
Why would they. They like common sense, not peer reviewable science and discussion. Having empathy and compassion would have a dsm code if they had their way.
You had me there for a minute. Common sense? No. But yes ... in agreement overall. You're spot on, they'd formally codify empathy as a sickness if they could.
The act of even crafting this proposal is itself a mental illness. Either delusional disorder or factitious disorder imposed on another (munchausen’s). #DSM-5
Behavioral health professional here. The DSM classifies mental illnesses, not any legislature. And we already have a diagnosis related to experiencing Trump. It's called PSTD.
A similar situation to this bill was presented as a final exam question in my ethics final a couple of years ago. Surreal to see it unfold in reality. Thank you for alerting me to contact my state reps about the ethical violation this bill presents.
Thank you! Was coming here to say this but… if they can overlook EMTALA for a pregnant women miscarrying, abrupting with with a fetus with a heartbeat or septic… they’ll make this 💩up too
Can they define what it actually is? Can they actually explain what part of the brain or cerebellum it manifests in?
Just because people have great dislike for 🍊💩4🧠buffoon & his carrying on due 2 his behaviour. he is no one of importance as there are others that have to take the same shtick as him
Yes I know it was. But if ya gonna make a law you had better know what the ins & outs of condition that the law is going to cover. The Psychiatrists & Psychologists are most likely 🤣🤣 their heads off.
FUCK POLITICS - we need to recover from the damages of the greaest employment discrimination case in World History. No more elected officials at the DC level (federal employess) to keep a job and fail background checks
They’re doing this so when they’ve established the “retreats” for those they deem mentally ill , just criticizing the president will mean you’re going. B/c obviously you have to be crazy to criticize dear leader.
Says the pathetic and cowardly Republican party made up of mediocre white men so afraid of having to compete on an equal level with everyone else, that they'd rather destroy American democracy. We see through you, you entitled losers.
The only reason that you fascist brainwashed a$$hats have started using that term recently is because just like what happened to Germany in 1933 you all want it to happen here too. You're all nothing but a group of tiny minds, racist, hateful, bigots, hypocrites with TDS (tiny dik syndrome)
A constitutional republic is also known as a democratic republic. It's a type of democracy. The 2 main forms are representative and direct. We have the former. Your narrative is false.
Don't the clowns have any real work to do? It is psychiatrists, not politicians who propose new pathologies and their diagnostic criteria.
If one were to introduce political psychopathologies, the MAGAS would fill the book.
But I view their behavior as evil more than madness.
I’m confused. Do these eejits think that us sane folk are the mad ones for pointing out that their fascist leader is off his rocker? The rest of the world has know for years that you have a lunatic in charge. I rather think that they need to visit their therapists.
They're doing it to delegitimize any opposition to their power. Same with the "you will grow out of liberalism", which is pretty much just a passive ultimatum: you either become far-right and write off your opposition to us as "naivety of the youth", or you won't get old.
Oh it's a whooole thing. If you ever try and reason with a MAGA one of their favorite responses is "oh you just have tRump Derangement Syndrome!". As if we are the brainwashed ones. As if we can't believe our very own eyes and ears that tRump is a lying sack of 💩. Weird times!! 🤷♀️😫
No one🇺🇸🟠listens to experts. They’re out to stop the alt-right agenda. Plus: try understanding scary science with a 3rd grade understanding of the world and a Lifelong Indoctrination to Christian dogma.
Next they should introduce a bill stating that ETTD (or EITD, Everything the Idiot Touches Dies), which is a lot more accurate. Bet you 80% of Americans would vote to pass it right now.
Ya these people are so stupid that they don’t understand this.
I’ve been told recently a few times that I have tds .. by MAGA losers.. they don’t even care when you try to correct them.
They invent ways to end conversations they are too stupid to understand or that makes them uncomfortable because it challenges their beliefs. They can't have conversations with real people, just fake MAGA types.
I hope this leads to an actual revolution to bring down the entire capitalist fascist system. We need our lenin now. Trump is nothing but a symptom. The American empire has always been the problem. Our founders were genocidal slave owners. Lenin liberated the slaves
This is the type of government waste, fraud, and abuse that needs to be taken out. They are paid to represent their state not waste time and tax payer money.
The MN republicans are always doing stupid and wasteful shit. Usually something outrageous because that is the only times they get a flash of attention.
100% We got some real idiots in the land of 10,000 lakes. The good news is we have a lot of logical folks here that override the headline grabbing attempts by MAGA/Trump cult followers.
I lost my voce 3 years ago screaming “THE TRUMP CULT IS THE DERANGEMENT!”
If trump critics are so stupid and gullible as to accept the label themSELVES, there is no hope for any of us.
wearing a red hat, probably way to old to actually understand whats going on, educated via article titles rather then reading, consumes right wing memes frequently via algorithms that help his degeneracy, statistically more likely to beat his wife or be divorced, probably fighting child support
I'm glad this is classified as an actual mental illness, because it's definitely showing itself as one.
There's no form of neuron's actually working in their brains to think it's that normal to praise a man like this.....
I'm talking, creepy shrines in a closet vibes. They need an asylum.
As a Canadian, I've never seen this before. I'm sick of this Magat shit creeping over our border. As a person with common sense who believes in science and facts. I don't get the whole Trump thing. It looks like a sick Cult.
If "Trump Derangement Syndrome" was a diagnostic term to describe mentally ill people behaving like Trump, I could understand it, but negative responses to Trumps words and deeds are valid and not deranged. The only things he has done well is destroying Democracy and doing Putin's biddings.
The GOP will NOT introduce a bill banning assault weapons, but THIS bull-shit they'll waste time and tax payer dollars on? Sadly, there are people who STILL think that they're a real political party.
If being outraged by thousands of Americans losing their jobs and all of the agencies that protect us, along with Social Security and Medicaid being destroyed is a Trump derangement syndrome then I definitely need to be classified and cared for appropriately.
Traitor Denial Syndrome, it's a pandemic among these Tiny Dick Suckers.
Cartoon characters are running the country, laws against hating a fucking traitor. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Hope you fucking Republicans are happy with this daily idiot convention you created.
Yes they did. Apparently our Republicans have nothing better to do.
Which is why our Governor Tim Walz has to make sure our kids get fed, our women get healthcare, and our parents are treated with dignity as they retire.
It seems like all politicians (with few exceptions) have lost their minds. They are making up the stupidest laws they can think of to pretend they are doing something. The hate is rampant. All they want to do is “own” the other side. We are all Americans and should respect others rights.
If anyone has a 'Derangement Syndrome' it is Trump....Along with self delusion, compulsive lying, anger management issues and he is just about the most obnoxious being on the planet.
Yes, I know what it is. It isn't a dsm5 was my point, not to belittle it. And hey, that's right, if dt syndrome is official,,what can I get away with??? Not that would....
My most innocent look ever
"trump DERANGEMENT sickness" does work too , it got a good flow. we really need to getBOTH TREADINGand get people to respond to the fucking cult with one of THOSE when they say you got"tds" teach the anti-orange cum people to reply like the cult does in other wordsFIRE BACK SOMETHING BUT UNIFIED
We’ve gone so far beyond the crazy train, The Onion can no longer produce satire. And also, good luck with getting any treatment for mental illness if the Republicans have control.
When you follow a self proclaimed liar , you start to mix realities. Bottom line- society exists only when that society agrees on a certain reality and set of rules, decorum. How to tell which ones are good or bad? Bad ones hurt people, and attacks with no evidence only emotion. Witch hunts
Hello friend I’m new here, I rescue and rehabilitate street dogs in a place where no one loves animals. I wish to be your friend because loving animals only left me so alone here people consider dogs and cats evil
TDS IS obviously a mental illness suffered by the members of the MAGA cult.
It's laughable to think that those of us who have observed normalcy be coopted by Donald's conning and gaslighting and incessant LYING are the ones whose view of reality is questionable!
What the FVCK?
I hear "you've got TDS" all the time, but from my perspective it's the cult members who have Trump Delusion Syndrome, believing in his imaginary reality and voting for a felon/rapist.
It's 100% this
Trump Delusion Syndrome is the Dear Leader bullshit his cult nods along with.
6' 3" 215 lbs "yup"
Golf club championships "yup"
The "Weave"
Russia & Putin are "good guys"
So, the people who were angry about a Black man's tan suit and mustard choice are concerned for the people who seem to be a bit too "obsessive" over an authoritarian wanna-be dictator who wants to ignore the Constitution and destroy democracy? Hmm.I'll file that away with all of their other concerns
Got it. This is terrifying! Thinking of sharing with my MAGA sister. One of the main reasons she voted for him was bcs of immigration. But this guy is legal and only arrested bcs he's outspoken about Palestine? OMG!!!
I am so embarrassed to be a Minnesotan after reading this. Our urban and suburban voters are the only reason the state isn't like our neighbors to the south and west, even though I love those states outside of their MAGA majorities.
Not only is this ridiculous on its face, it also shows the deep disregard they have for mental health and mental illness in general - it’s all a joke to them. Unless of course it’s the MaLe LoNeLiNeSs EpIdEmIc, which occurs when women won’t sleep with them because they’re douchecanoes
The sad part is that our current contempt politics on both sides create this. The dems just amount to a multi-cultural neoliberalism and the right is just facist neoliberalism for get rich quick and punishing out groups.
I love when some uneducated maga rural, decked out in a maga hat, maga t-shirt and matching maga cargo-shorts, wearing stinky’s gold sneakers and waving a US flag emblazoned with stinky’s fat rapist’s face, says that I suffer from tds…
And because they also blindly donated money to his various slush funds, they're now broke and won't be able to weather the next several years without public assistance.
The description should read: Belief that God sent a sub-intelligent criminal to save a country from implementing rights for its citizens. Symptoms are: hatred of non-whites, freedoms, & rights for POC; particular emphasis on removing women’s & LGBTQIA+ rights.
😑 cult.
If you disagree with Trump, you’re mental.
I need a whole new bingo game.
#MAGAs are hardcore #TDS sufferers!
Typical #Republicans, just like they've tried with #Woke, they don't have a single unique idea. They only take truth and twist it 🙄
oof what a situation
Seriously, so many impotent and thin-skinned fuckers throughout history. 😑👎
That’s what people mean when they say complying in advance.
Total Dissolved Solids
High levels of TDS can affect taste and quality of water, making it unsuitable for consumption.
SCOTUS now allows more raw sewage discharge into our US waterways. Get ready for an influx in dysentery, typhoid, chlorea, and polio. ALL preventable.
I’m not feeling like this a joke. I’m feeling this is setting a very dangerous precedent
This isn't much different.
This will all be based on National Security
Just because people have great dislike for 🍊💩4🧠buffoon & his carrying on due 2 his behaviour. he is no one of importance as there are others that have to take the same shtick as him
he is the one with the problem
I am looking for a lawyer (the world needs 1)
You're essentially saying I don't have a tree in my front yard, it's a maple.
If one were to introduce political psychopathologies, the MAGAS would fill the book.
But I view their behavior as evil more than madness.
I’ve been told recently a few times that I have tds .. by MAGA losers.. they don’t even care when you try to correct them.
I hope this leads to an actual revolution to bring down the entire capitalist fascist system. We need our lenin now. Trump is nothing but a symptom. The American empire has always been the problem. Our founders were genocidal slave owners. Lenin liberated the slaves
If trump critics are so stupid and gullible as to accept the label themSELVES, there is no hope for any of us.
There's no form of neuron's actually working in their brains to think it's that normal to praise a man like this.....
I'm talking, creepy shrines in a closet vibes. They need an asylum.
😂 😂 😂
plus, all this tRump merch is made in China.
Cartoon characters are running the country, laws against hating a fucking traitor. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Hope you fucking Republicans are happy with this daily idiot convention you created.
Which is why our Governor Tim Walz has to make sure our kids get fed, our women get healthcare, and our parents are treated with dignity as they retire.
Wanna guess what Step three is?
It's a magazine!
It’s a citable source of current medical information.
That being said,hey Minnesota look at the crap you’re paying for.
Wouldn’t DOGE call this waste? (Yeah i know)
Oh wait…is having TDS a DEFENSE?? 🤔
My most innocent look ever
It's laughable to think that those of us who have observed normalcy be coopted by Donald's conning and gaslighting and incessant LYING are the ones whose view of reality is questionable!
What the FVCK?
Trump Delusion Syndrome is the Dear Leader bullshit his cult nods along with.
6' 3" 215 lbs "yup"
Golf club championships "yup"
The "Weave"
Russia & Putin are "good guys"
Example: They are conniving sick, pathetic, spineless trump drooling imbeciles
Symptom: Trump Derangement Syndrome
The real DEI.
So far, all these guys are all white and go out in packs in every video, speaks volumes doesn't it?
They sure don't like it when you turn the acronym around on them. 🙂
Just saying.
What’s next labeling Kid Rock lip syncing as live music?